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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 1
Comments 30
Generated "art" does not rule.
  • ...Sampling is sampling... Just because you can't see the plaigerism doesn't mean it isn't there...

    Your case seems thin

    (Luddite-esque. Sure. Compounded with the social media outrage of the hour.)

  • Generated "art" does not rule.
  • I dunno man, 50 years of sampled music might beg to differ about your whole "open plaigerism frowny" thing.

    And AI plaigerism is so cryptic, the links so tenuous, that we don't know that they're "industrial plaigerisming" us unless they actually tell us.

    Live music people complained about recorded music. Silent picture people complained about talkies. Analog complained about digital. It's old news. Go with it.

  • Are the dreams of youth the regrets of maturity? Really?

    Or was Darkness just blowing smoke?

    Generated "art" does not rule.
  • Confuse AI with what?

    How do you "falsely share or save"? I think every time I shared or saved something it worked. I could be wrong.

    (I'm in art too. Or was. I'm sorta changing these days.)

  • Generated "art" does not rule.
  • Plaigerism isn't the problem. This society that makes living so hard that you need to snatch every crumb, that's the problem.

    Great artists have been stealing and sampling since forever. It really isn't a big deal unless you're broke.

  • Can't relate at all.
  • Popular scifi, written to appeal to the majority, for tv and movies, is actually only one special kind of scifi. And the majority isn't known for its depth or taste.

    I'm not saying that there aren't exceptions, but ya, that's how it is.

    There's a whole world of written scifi where the point is basically to show you something strange. Ideas so weird that scifi is the only way to convey them.

    Here's some free, online scifi by good authors. Your mind will be blown.