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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Big problems require solving root issues
  • I see this guy has never tried to use a public restroom in san francisco... Providing public restrooms resulted in absolutely horrendously disgusting and unusable public restrooms that literally require a hazmat suit to clean, ignoring the needles.

    The primary issue was the defunding and closure of mental health facilities. While far from perfect, we probably should've focused on improving them instead of throwing mentally unstable people onto the streets to fend for themselves.

  • Elon Musk Begs Advertisers to Return as Twitter's Revenue Plunges
  • "If you’re trying to reach senior decision makers, if you want to reach the most influential people in the world," Musk told Read, "the X platform is by far the best."

    Does someone want to break it to him that he's one of about 4 executives of a fortune 500 who spends any time on Twitter? The rest have PR people who might make a couple posts a month for them, but they sure as shit aren't wasting any time on it arguing with idiots and bots. They're busy flying around on private jets or playing golf when they aren't spending their 30 minutes a month working.

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • On the flip side, the number of people I see towing an RV behind a mid-sized SUV with the front wheels lifting off the ground is astounding. For every guy that bought a truck that never tows anything heavy and never sees any dirt, there's two idiots towing something 4x what their car is capable of putting you and everyone else on the road in danger.

  • Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • The fact you phrase it as though that's an actual question is terrifying. You're comparing someone who wants to LITERALLY be a dictator and never have an election again, to someone who isn't willing to fully embrace every last left-wing policy you demand.

    The "ruling class" didn't dictate Bernie not getting the Democratic nomination, people voting in primaries did. Do you know which group of people overwhelmingly don't vote in primaries? The same 20-somethings bitching about Biden being the "only other option". Get the fuck out of here with your "demonstrating to the ruling class" - you had your opportunity to show up and overwhelm the primaries and chose not to. The "ruling class" don't have the numbers to determine a primary, and if you choose to watch their commercials and buy into it, that's on you. But hey, if a bunch of people think like you'll they'll find out what actually living in a dictatorship is like. And no, Canada isn't just going to welcome you with open arms when the world starts burning down around you so I hope you've got an exit strategy.

  • Ronald Reagan?! The Actor?!
  • Ronny "trickle down economics" Reagan thought taxes should be higher on wealthy folks? Are you insane? The top tax bracket went from 70% at the start of his presidency to 28% by the time he left office. What Democrat have you heard calling to drop the top tax rate below 28%?

    He was WORSE than "that bad". Have you ever heard of something called the Iran Contra scandal?–Contra_affair

    And oh, by the way, he didn't defeat the USSR, Carter did. Funding the Taliban's war against the Soviet's started under his watch. Ronny just took credit for it.

  • Happy 420?
  • Is his campaign promising things he doesn’t have the power to do?

    A president can do almost NOTHING unilaterally. What they're promising you is what they'll support if it makes it to their desk. This is how checks and balances work... if you want to vote for someone who has sworn to be as shitty as possible because the guy who swore to do things you want can't just snap his fingers and make it happen, I guess nobody can stop you...

    What you're finding is that the Democratic party is still interested in a functioning government where people don't just vote the party line like a borg - which results in more difficulty passing legislation. Unfortunately, "both sides same" isn't remotely accurate which you're finding out.

  • Happy 420?
  • Fun fact: Biden has already pardoned thousands of people with marijuana convictions. Asking him to pardon EVERYONE when they may have had marijuana as a minor add-on to other criminal charges is a bit silly of an ask.

    Biden doesn't run the DEA and can't force them to reschedule the drug. This is almost as dumb as the conservatives saying Biden needs to do something about border security then not being upset the Republicans have voted against every effort to do something about border security before it makes it to Biden's desk.

    *the number of people in this country who think the President is a dictator and can literally just make up laws on his own is terrifying.

  • This sovereign citizen has a Blue Lives Matter sticker on the same vessel with his sovcit license plates.
  • They're not the typical sov cit. I'm guessing this person is just trying to get away with not paying for tabs. That license plate is a knock-off of a legit Kansas license plate, not the typical sov cit nonsense plate advertising their insanity.

  • JK Rowling, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk are fuming over Scotland’s hate crime law
  • Because the internet can't handle shades of gray? Perhaps there's more to her than "she's a liberal" or "she's a conservative"? Hive mind will be the end of society - if someone doesn't agree with the party line on EVERY point, they're suddenly an extremist.

    Perhaps, PERHAPS there are people who are otherwise liberal that have some pretty strong feelings about the trans movement? Outside of the trans thing, Rowling is pretty liberal by the classic definition of the term based on everything I've seen. But because she's taken a stance here she's put in the same sentence as Musk and Rogan. I have a tough time taking anyone seriously that tries to make that comparison. Musk is literally defending fascists and Rogan regularly has Alex Jones on his show. She's not even on the same continent as those two.

    Because yes, she literally made Dumbledore gay, which both Joe Rogan and Elon Musk would tell you makes her a woke libtard... but they're the same!!!!1111

  • Michigan governor says not voting for Biden over Gaza war ‘supports second Trump term’
  • So your alternative is what? Other than brainless comments on social media that is, that really seems to be making a significant change in the situation so please keep at it. 50 years of the world's thought leaders unable to come to an amicable resolution, I'm sure you've got all the answers. let's hear your plan for peace in Gaza.


  • Not today sovcit.
  • I would assume it's because most government forms require you to fill them out in blue or black in. Being the edgelords they are, they picked a color of ink that would be rejected by most government institutions.

    Nope, crazier than that:

    They use red ink (or sometimes even blood) instead of blue or black ink to signify to the evil shadow government and their puppet judges that it is the true flesh-and-blood person who is signing a particular document and not the corporate shell.

  • Michigan governor says not voting for Biden over Gaza war ‘supports second Trump term’
  • If shes so concerned about people turning on Biden, maybe she needs to head to the oval office and tell him to stop fucking funding and equiping a goddamn genocide.

    Or, maybe, it's more complicated than that. MAYBE supporting Israel in the middle-east helps keep some semblance of stability in a region that would otherwise be constantly at war, with Iran in particular doing their best to take over all of their neighbors. That's ignoring the fact that unless you're advocating us going to war WITH Israel - the second we pull all funding we also lose all leverage we have with them, and I would expect an almost immediate expansion into all Palestinian territory overnight given their current leadership.

    Is the situation fucked? Yes. Is it going to be fixed by pulling funding? Absolutely not.

  • A California man was found with 1 million rounds of ammo and 248 illegally owned guns in his house, state authorities say
  • Is it more difficult to bring something into the country across the border, or to transport an item between two states?

    If it isn’t obvious to you that only banning something on the state level is SIGNIFICANTLY less effective than nationally, I can only assume you’ve never actually left the country.

  • Biden Sets Internet Alight With ‘Dark Brandon’ Super Bowl Reaction
  • Good point, I'm sure if we had Donald Trump in office, Israel would stop immediately. There's never been anybody tougher on Israel than Trump. For instance he... checks notes... moved our Embassy to Jerusalem after decades of US presidents refusing to do so and single-handedly set peace negotiations back 50 years.

    But I guess when your entire post history is ripping Biden on the Israel situation you can't really do much else or the boss won't pay you.

  • a32 5g battery died and samshit wont repair it because of magisk, so i made this meme
  • If it's still under warranty, they HAVE to unless they can prove your modification caused the system to fail. It's no different than the silly stickers that say "warranty void if removed" - that's a nice fantasy for the manufacturer, but at least in the US it's been ruled those stickers mean absolutely nothing. If they're refusing to fix a phone under warranty, contact your local AG and enjoy watching them squirm. Loop in the FTC for good measure.

  • U.S. Rejects Putin’s Latest Call for Ukraine Negotiations
  • All part of the attempt to sway the next election. Gives Cucker Tarlson an interview where he (Putin) proceeds to paint all of his actions as a poor humble Russian leader just trying to protect his own people from the big bad Ukranians. Then follows it up with an offer to negotiate peace, which shockingly the evil dictator Biden refuses to do. If only we had someone like the Cheeto Benito who's interested in peace leading the US, everything would be so much better for everyone! Queue troll farm spamming Twitter