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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 31
Comments 140
Just booked a week-long trip to Puerto Rico for Thanksgiving!
  • Solo travel is the besssst. I tried it tentatively shortly after my divorce, too, and it was a great experience. It's really helpful in that you get to take some time to focus on being comfortable with who you are as a person (not someone's spouse or whatever but who YOU are.) No work or other responsibilities to distract you, so you do a lot of self-discovery while exploring a new place.

    I don't have a lot of travel tips because I have always been not really able to afford international travel except for very recently, but I am so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone and taking that step. Now you get to start the countdown and planning for your comfort and safety during travel. I personally love that part, but I know not everyone does.

  • Life outside comfort zone
  • I'm sorry you're stuck in this situation for a while. Yoga and meditation are definitely a good start but I feel like adding either journaling your TRUE feelings about what is going on or talking with a therapist or trusted friend about the things you really need to get off your chest--because leaving all these things you feel you need to say unsaid is obviously making your life harder.

  • NSFW
    Weekly Check In A Week Late (TW: Death-Replies may be NSFW)
  • Yes, I started working on my grief in therapy about a year ago, and I have a friend who is a counselor, along with some close friends and family I talk about my mental health with often. I have also been working toward being more of an actual Buddhist than an occasional meditator as this year progressed. It has been very helpful in understanding the fact that life is not easy but beautiful anyway.

    I hadn't heard of The Blue Zones, but now you have me curious. I will look into them. I am always looking for new ways to up my mental health game.

  • Update on me

    I'm sorry I've been not available for a few weeks. My mom became increasingly unable to eat her food properly over the last few months, and as we hit September, started to refuse food or drinks of all kinds. This was not unexpected as her Huntington's Disease progressed, but it really threw me emotionally when her nursing home confirmed we were at that point.

    Around two weeks ago, I was asked if I wanted to consider a feeding tube for her, and given that she had known this was a possibility and made her opinion on the matter VERY clear, I said "No."

    I was able to use her Neurocare Unit room as a hospice of sorts, as we settled in for 7 days of her refusing food and fluids, and only saying yes to medication for her pain. She was very focused and peaceful through most of it. It was obviously a very difficult time, but I am honored to have been able to fulfill the promise I made to give her a comfortable death with family at her side when she chooses to let her life be done. My mother passed away last Friday at 11:35 pm, at the age of 66. My journey with her had many highs and lows, but my love had no limits.

    The Top 20 Things That Make People Feel Good–And a New Positivity Bench in London
  • I just called that number and it was a9dorable! Sweet life advice and pep talks from little kids. I loved it!

    When I used to work outside my house, I tried to do something every day that would really make someone's day like that, too. Giving extra compliments or helping with something I knew someone was struggling with but probably wouldn't ask for anyone to help them. When you work in a healthcare setting, it's easy to find opportunities to do those things. Now I'm always at home and there are only so many things I can do. That's why I spend all my time trying to get people to talk to me on Lemmy.

  • It's a new month! How was everyone's August?

    I can't believe September has crept up on us already! I went on a road trip with my husband and my best friend a few weeks ago. The car ride was 10 hours long. I can't drive anymore, so hubby has to do all of it. I had to put many pillows around and behind me, and also ban air conditioning in the car unless the internal temperature was over 75 because it hurts so much when the cold air blows directly on my body. I enjoyed the trip and visiting with my friends. I hadn't seen them much at all since Covid started because it's often not safe and they don't put me at risk just for a visit.

    Sometimes I'm amazed that my husband has stuck with me for so long given the fact that he would happily live in a refrigerator and I would happily live at over 80 degrees all the time. We make it work by having separate bedrooms. It's very important when you are "thermostatically incompatible" like we are.

    The Top 20 Things That Make People Feel Good–And a New Positivity Bench in London
  • I agree! Some of my favorite things are petting dogs, smelling babies, and making comfort food in vintage or good-eough-quality-to-pass-down-to-my-chidren cook or bakeware. Making the most of the things I already have in my life always gives me a little boost.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm so sorry you're stuck in this limbo I'm glad you're here and venting when you feel like letting off some steam. I hope you are taking care of your physical and mental health to the best of your ability,

    I know not everyone can afford therapy, but it really seems like you may benefit from having someone to talk to who would have your back a bit--someone to help you bring out the person you are outside of all the noise--the pain, bad relationship;p, being out of work-- just who you are at the core without all the things pulling you away from your center. I feel like that might be someone who is a lot of fun to hang out with.

    If you can't make therapy happen, please find a way to work mindfulness and meditation into your life. It can be done for free (my favorite price) and if you find the right book, website or podcast that is inspiring to you, it can change your life. Honestly, my life is not a lot better than yours, but I have a lot more fun because I choose to every day. Some days it's not that easy but it's possible. If you want to know more about fee resources, I can point you in the right direction;

  • 20 Great Blogs About Living with Dementia or Alzheimer’s 20 Great Blogs About Living with Dementia or Alzheimer’s | Cake Blog

    Consider following one of these blogs about dementia or Alzheimer's, whether you're living with it or are caring for someone else.

    There are some great blogs written by both caregivers and those who experience dementia here.

    But how can I meditate when my mind keeps jumping around?
  • My mind is similar, and my process is just to let the thousands of concurrent thoughts come, put that on a mental to-do list to sort out later and move back to what I was trying to focus on, to begin with. No need to process it all right away. You can think about why you had those particular thoughts when you are not meditating, (if it's something practical like "man I really need to vacuum this floor" you can take care of it), or the next time you meditate you can actually focus on the emotions or maybe memories that popped up if they are important to you to sort out.

    I use guided meditations through a podcast sometimes, and I also just do some slow/even breathing and/or walking while focusing on my body and breath. I find it helpful to repeat some sort of mantra or phrase in my head at first in order to get me started when there is no podcast going.

  • NSFW
    First-ever Weekly Check-In Post (NSFW just in case comments require it)
  • I'm sorry you're finding job hunting so difficult. I tried for about six months to market my services as sort of a consultant/assistant and though I knew I was more than capable of doing the work, finding someone to actually hire me was very difficult. I ended up taking a job with an agency that did the same work in order to bridge the gap a bit, and after I was done with that job I returned to traditional work because I decided that the "marketing yourself" part of freelance work was not for me. It's difficult to even find a job because there are so many applicants for every position. For a traditional in-person job it's not so complicated.

    When I decided to go back to work I used a temp agency. I think it's a good idea for you, as long as the person who is working with you understands your limitations. Here's hoping they have something available that is flexible and has fun and understanding people at the worksite. It sounds like you could use a win, and a confidence boost.

  • Trans-Resources --This is part of our LGBTQ+ Pinned Post, but I wanted to make sure it's visible on its' own because it's a great site with local resources that you can search by location.
  • Yes, it's a little confusing when you read the instructions, but if you type a few letters of your home state or country in the search bar, it will start searching and then you can click the right state/country, and see the list of resources. It had quite a few in the few places I tried out just to see how it worked.

  • Trans-Resources --This is part of our LGBTQ+ Pinned Post, but I wanted to make sure it's visible on its' own because it's a great site with local resources that you can search by location. Home Page

    A directory of resources for trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming people

    Trans-Resources aims to help transgender, non-binary, and other gender non-conforming people find resources where they live. Our goal is to be a directory of advocacy organizations, legal resources, support & social groups, and other resources that service the trans community.

    I never had any heroes or role models in my life
  • I sort of felt the same about my parents before I really did some reflection on who they were as children and how they were raised vs. how they raised me, and even how the generations before them handed down patterns of abuse that they worked hard to stop in their parenting of my siblings and me. It doesn't mean that everything was perfect. They still made mistakes that I can see as an adult who has raised children, but they also didn't have the benefit of all the knowledge I have now due to advancements in psychology and the decent education they didn't afford themselves because they were very young parents, but made sure I got.

    Now, when I look back at who they were as people and parents I can see that they were not the best role models I could have asked for, but good people in their hearts, who tried to make sure I didn't suffer the same sort of childhood they had. My childhood was still not easy but it was better than what they had experienced because all they had to learn from were negative role models, too. We're all doing the best we can with the information we have.

    If you try to frame it as everyone making small bits of incremental progress away from those bad role models with each generational shift, you can see the progress you have made, and that your parents made from their bad role models.

    I am glad you will be going to therapy soon. Journaling and meditation will probably help you to work out your thoughts on tough topics while you are waiting, too. I started a therapy journal while I was waiting, where I wrote down what had happened that had messed up my life enough that I needed therapy. It was helpful for both me and my counselor.

  • YSK how to use your mental brakes to avoid mental breaks (through an evidence-based theory and therapy)
  • I enjoyed this speaker and the different take on slowing our anxious thoughts down. I'm glad I found it later at night, when I don't have time to fall into a twelve-hour Ted Talk rabbit hole like I usually do when I come across one of these videos. Thanks for posting!

  • Back pain
  • It sounds like maybe it's time for you to see a pain specialist if you haven't already done that. Mine are amazing. They help me manage my meds and any follow-up testing I need, and also work on hunting down the cause of any new or existing issues that could be managed by them. It's so frustrating when it feels like your doctor doesn't understand your pain, and a good pain specialist will not make you feel like that.

    I have read some articles from chronic pain specialists saying that it's possible what your doctor is saying has some truth to it, because long-lasting pain can cause changes to your brain that make you feel pain even after your original injuries have healed. I thought that was happening to me, and my doctors probably did too, but I had nerve testing done and it turned out I have a pinched nerve that hasn't been addressed and it is somehow causing my body to experience pain at much higher levels than it should, and I tense up and become a ball of muscle spasms. The human body is so strange.

    We have a lot of chronic pain sufferers in this community. You are welcome to join us. It's definitely difficult to manage and detrimental to your mental health, but I don't think your doctor was saying you are crazy. I think they were saying your brain is causing you to feel pain that you shouldn't technically be feeling so strongly anymore, so the problem is still real, but neurological now.

  • NSFW
    First-ever Weekly Check-In Post (NSFW just in case comments require it)
  • That was a good one. I married my husband even though he was blatantly honest like that when he got nervous or stressed out at first. Once I realized he probably has some undiagnosed ADHD and talked with him about it he at least became more aware that not everyone blurts out their thoughts like that. Now we joke that he is just an out-loud thinker and make space for it in the relationship. He only has to work on masking it at work if he wants to become friends with people there, and not have people angry that he said something critical of them all the time, not with me. I can ignore offhand remarks that are just him thinking out loud for the most part, or ask him if he really meant to say that or was just processing an emotion and maybe we should revisit this later.

    I have basically the opposite issue. I have social anxiety and constantly overthink every interaction Even on the internet I agonize before hitting the post button about whether people really want me to say that. I retreat inside my head to process my big emotions before I present them to anyone, and I can't imagine what it would be like to just blurt them out all the time with no filter. Not that I am completely immune to that, but when I do I am horribly embarrassed by it. It seems like my own personal version of Hell to not really have the safety of processing things inside my head before I blurt them out. I think that's why I can have sympathy for him when he says something that seems mean or critical. It's not like I never have critical thoughts of my husband, I just have the safety of only letting them out when I feel it's important to do so.

  • NSFW
    First-ever Weekly Check-In Post (NSFW just in case comments require it)
  • It's tough when you have little ones in the house and everyone tends to get sick in batches. Make sure you are getting as much rest as possible and disinfecting the house as much as possible so you won't all pass the same illness around over and over.

  • YSK you can meditate without sitting quietly Active Meditation: What It Is, Techniques, and How to Do It

    Active meditation — or meditation on the move — can help you get in touch with the present moment throughout your day. Here's how.

    Active Meditation: What It Is, Techniques, and How to Do It

    WHY YSK- Many people practice mindfulness and meditation as part of their lives, and some would like to but feel like they don't have time to sit down and meditate properly. Once you've gotten used to doing it as a part of your daily activities, it becomes easy to simply take a few breaths and gain some peace from your everyday existence. You don't need to wait for a time when you can sit and clear your mind completely. It's a nice bonus, but not necessary for living a mindful life.

    35 Samsung makes the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Z Flip 5 official

    Samsung has a new fold-flat hinge, gives the Z flip a bigger screen.

    Samsung makes the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Z Flip 5 official

    I haven't shopped for a new phone for a while but I have to admit I'm eyeing the new foldables from an accessibility standpoint. I really miss the mechanical keyboards that used to be available on every phone. In the absence of that, I'd love to have the option of a full-screen keyboard on one side and still being able to view the context of what I'm typing about on the other side without everything shrinking the way it does on regular phones.

    27 Working Towards Earlier Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

    Getting an early diagnosis for multiple sclerosis (MS) is important in ensuring better long-term outcomes and quality of life.

    Working Towards Earlier Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis

    I feel like this is a common problem in neuro diseases. If only we could get an earlier diagnosis, we would have fewer people seriously disabled by these diseases at a young age, while they visit their doctors over and over begging for some sort of help.


    If you are going to post here about coordinating a group visit to r/place today, please keep it respectful

    If the mod team sees that you are posting about plans or actually planning a banner that says "Join Lemmy" or something similar, that is fine. If you are posting about an effort that is more along the lines of "Fuck Spez" or a giant penis with a Fediverse logo, we will remove the posts or comments. You can't plan that here. admins do not want us over there making the Fediverse look bad on Reddit, and today is no exception.

    It's fine to post funny pictures of what people on Reddit have already done, but we won't be planning anything like that here.


    [META] Let's have a chat, c/mentalhealth

    AvaddonLFC, who used to be the Captain of this ship and coordinator of moderators available to help you with your concerns is no longer able to be part of this community, as he is now an Administrator at I'm very happy for him and also happy to take on the job myself. I want to make this community a welcoming place full of both resources and helpful, kind people. I know it's been slow here and you've mostly been on your own for a day or two.

    I am not a mental health professional but I do have a new one starting as a moderator in the next few days and I have a few friends in the field. Going forward I will be pulling together some resources to add to a pinned post or the sidebar for everyone to use. If you have any suggestions for what to add, please drop them in the comments here. If you see any posts or comments that you feel are unhelpful or not okay, please report them so I will know I should take a look right away. I will be checking for rule-breaking posts regularly, and working with the mods on how to tighten up our rules to make sure they cover what they need to.


    [META] An Update for Members of This Community

    Hello c/Reddit! As you may have noticed from the fancy “A” next to his name on his posts around Lemmy, our fearless leader AvaddonLFC is now an Administrator, which means he can no longer be part of our moderation team. I have agreed to take over his communities because I believe in what we’ve all been building together as a group. There will be no changes to the current rules or moderators, though you may see some new faces that were already chosen to join the team.

    If you have any feedback on our rules or just want to tell us how much you’ll miss AvaddonLFC, this is the place to do it. (Don’t worry, I can take it!)

    I am grateful to AvaddonnLFC for tbuilding this community and inviting me to join him as a moderator, and to my fellow mods (and hopefully the community) for sticking with me through this change!


    [META] An Update for Members of This Community

    Hello c/NSQ! As you may have noticed from the fancy “A” next to his name on his posts around Lemmy, our fearless leader AvaddonLFC is now an Administrator, which means he can no longer be part of our moderation team. I have agreed to take over his communities because I believe in what we’ve all been building together as a group. There will be no changes to the current rules or moderators, though you may see some new faces that were already chosen to join the team.

    If you have any feedback on our rules or just want to tell us how much you’ll miss AvaddonLFC, this is the place to do it. (Don’t worry, I can take it!)

    I am grateful to AvaddonnLFC for building this community and inviting me to join him as a moderator, and to my fellow mods (and hopefully the community) for sticking with me through this change!


    [META] An Update for Members of This Community

    Hello c/YSK! As you may have noticed from the fancy “A” next to his name on his posts around Lemmy, our fearless leader AvaddonLFC is now an Administrator, which means he can no longer be part of our moderation team. I have agreed to take over his communities because I believe in what we’ve all been building together as a group. There will be no changes to the current rules or moderators, though you may see some new faces that were already chosen to join the team.

    If you have any feedback on our rules or just want to tell us how much you’ll miss AvaddonLFC, this is the place to do it. (Don’t worry, I can take it!)

    I am grateful to AvaddonnLFC for building this community and inviting me to join him as a moderator, and to my fellow mods (and hopefully the community) for sticking with me through this change!


    [META] An Update For Members of This Community

    Hello c/TIL! As you may have noticed from the fancy “A” next to his name on his posts around Lemmy, our fearless leader AvaddonLFC is now an Administrator, which means he can no longer be part of our moderation team. I have agreed to take over his communities because I believe in what we’ve all been building together as a group. There will be no changes to the current rules or moderators, though you may see some new faces that were already chosen to join the team.

    If you have any feedback on our rules or just want to tell us how much you’ll miss AvaddonLFC, this is the place to do it. (Don’t worry, I can take it!)

    I am grateful to AvaddonnLFC for taking over this community and inviting me to join him as a moderator, and to my fellow mods (and hopefully the community) for sticking with me through this change!


    New Drugs on the horizon in 2023 Top 2023 Neurodegenerative Readouts | BioSpace

    Clinical results for experimental treatments in Alzheimer’s, ALS and more are expected over the coming months. BioSpace highlights a few of the more highly anticipated datasets.

    Top 2023 Neurodegenerative Readouts  | BioSpace

    Who knows... maybe there is hope that some of us will suffer less than we expected to.

    chronicpain ZenGrammy

    I hope it's okay to post about a related group here.

    HI everyone. I have both chronic pain and a neurodegenerative disease. These things are not linked as far as I know, but it's hard to tell because my medical issues are kind of a spider web and some people with my condition do experience pain but it;s rare.

    If anyone here also has a neurodegenerative disease (MS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,etc. or is a caregiver or friend/family member to someone who has one, we'd love to have you join us at Neurodegenerative Disease Support.

    We are a small group at the moment, like most on Lemmy these days, trying to get some conversation and support flowing.


    Neurodegenerative Disease support - a group for patients, caregivers and friends of those affected by all neurodegenerative diseases Neurodegenative Disease Support -

    This community is a gathering place for all those affected by neurodegenerative diseases. Patients, family, friends and caregivers are welcome. Share info, ask questions, or vent about your day. Whatever you’d like to talk about, we’re here to listen. Community Rules We follow the Mastodon Code of C...

    Neurodegenative Disease Support -

    This community is a gathering place for all those affected by neurodegenerative diseases. Patients, family, friends and caregivers are welcome. Share info, ask questions, or vent about your day. Whatever you’d like to talk about, we’re here to listen.

    Neurodegenerative Disease Support
