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Wish me luck as I install Arch on an old netbook
  • Unfortunately some old tech does just start becoming obsolete at some point. sure you can force old software on to it but unless its designed to just interact on its own or with some other equipment thats stuck in time, it usually ends up not being worth the trouble or time, especially when you can get pretty powerful (comparison wise) equipment for cheap. chrome books for example are dirt ass cheap and some times a better solution than trying to get a super old system running again.

  • oh. OH NO
  • only potential issue I see trying to stress that 430watt psu with whatever that gpu is.

  • rule
  • while I agree... i dont see what this has to do with programming

  • me_irl
  • feel'n a bit called out rn

  • Steam Summer Sale Steam Deck recommendations
  • I was thinking of picking up FF 7 remake cuz.. idk, big sword look cool? also soul caliber 6 cuz its $8

    uh, yeah probably just those I think. still dont know if I will commit to it cuz i already have such a back log.

  • Jerboa currently unusable for other people?
  • I had to reset the whole app

  • What are you watching for Summer 2023?
  • idk. i have a huge list of links i've just been storing away but think im gonna finish reading Hells Paradise before starting any new series.

    not to mention there are an ass load of games in my backlog.

  • If we call reddit users redditors, what do we call lemmy users
  • lemmytards.. i mean lemmitors. lemmyteirs? Lemmiknights?

    i kinda like Lemmiknights.

  • US Supreme Court blocks student loan forgiveness plan
  • Thats not what communism is and even if it was, you literally just tried to say caring about other people is bad regardless of what its called. This is part of the problem.

  • Silent anger*
  • wish webp files were more common place, they're so efficent and look good. even the webp video format is impressive

  • I made a Otome Community, where you can discuss Otome PC games!
  • neat. they're not my cup of tea, I prefer more "vanilla" eroge or yuri/Shoujo-ai VN's .. but I wish you best of luck

  • What was the main reason you left Reddit?
  • I havent fully left. I'll probably still use it on my browser for some time while also visiting lemmy. It'll be dead to me on my phone though, boost was my window to reddit on mobile, removing that is a death sentence.

  • Linux terminal users be like
  • I just type "history" to see the last like 20 things I typed in, chances are in that list.

  • Context
  • exactly this. there is a reason all the experienced users ultimately end up on arch. the old arch sub used to say "all paths lead to arch". seems like no matter what distro you start with, eventually you'll find your self using arch for your personal daily driver due to its resources making it quick and easy to get things working.

  • Context
  • I would say pop is for new users, arch is for users that know what they want and willing to put in the time, i wouldnt say its "for hackers".

    picking an arch based distros thats already built for you though is the easy way to go if you want a linux system for gaming. I tried using pop for a while. it was ok but ultimately a rolling release system was better.

  • Context
  • Imma be real.. Arch has been the most consistent system I've used to date.

    I've been using linux off and on since like 2008. I jumped around from ubuntu, fedora, opensus, popOS, centOS, etc.. I've had manjaro and now arch as my daily driver for probably 4 or more years now and Arch updates have only ever broke one thing, one time, and it was more of a audio pipewire issue than it was really archs fault.

    arch updates do not deserve this slander, its been very reliable for me, more than probably any system i've ever used.

  • Boost for Lemmy is happening!
  • yeah?? fuck year! I thought. I thought he wasnt gonna do a port, last I checked the boost subreddit it was said it wasnt happening so this is awesome.

    i will gladly pay for boost premium again.

  • The First Images of the Titan Submersible bein bought ashore
  • yeah, does seem a bit excessive. unless the goal was to retrieve like a black box for info, there is an entire ship down there, hardly seems like leaving one small tube makes a difference

  • The First Images of the Titan Submersible bein bought ashore
  • I just dont get the point of putting your body down there. if most of what you're seeing is through the digital displays anyway, why not just send a drone and watch remotely? seems like an awful massive risk and expense to try and actually dive down there for nothing more than looking out a window

  • What's something that was dismissed as a gimmick but you liked?
  • Agreed. So many new phones are taller than they are wide and I dislike thst. The v10 and v30 I had were phat bois and I miss that.