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Klanky Klanky
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Europe AD 1505
  • Man this makes me want to play Crusader Kings II! :-)

  • Mom Takes Her Adult Son Apartment Hunting & Realizes There is No Way He Can Afford To Live On His Own — ‘Millennials Are Not Lazy’
  • This is why I hate how media tries to stir up ‘this generation vs that’, and I refuse to fall prey to it. I’m 40 and I have so much respect for younger generations trying to make it now. It’s still hard enough for me and I can’t imagine how much harder it is for them.

    Also, even if I don’t get the stuff they’re into, that’s ok because the generations before me don’t get the stuff I’m into. People seem to get older and forget they were at one time considered the ‘lazy’ ones who liked ‘dumb’ stuff.

  • Why Do Most Diddy Kong Racing Players Have No Clue What They're Doing?!
  • I’ve never been present at the birth of a new copypasta before.

  • What kind of music is this similar to and where can I find more?
  • Hmm maybe William Basinski? He kinda has droney stuff that fuzzes out and goes on for a long time with piano fragments and stuff. I find his stuff very relaxing personally.

  • Cold calls aren't spam!
  • Number 2 is a great point. That's what I hate about LinkedIn and why I only use it to look/apply for jobs and occasionally scroll through if I'm super bored.

    My experience in my current job are endless cold emails from salespeople who don't even understand that I have no use for their product. I work in a field where I have to research a lot of different equipment/parts for my client, but that I don't use myself. I had to request a catalog from one of these places which involved giving my work email address. Now I get endless emails about how they'll 'be in my area' (LOL no you won't because I work remotely across the country from both my company and my client) and they want to demonstrate their new product...which I don't use because I don't work in that field. Makes me laugh every time and yes it is very spammy.

  • Cold calls aren't spam!

    I saw this and thought, well yeah that VP is right, cold calls are annoying spam. However, based on the insane comments by all the salespeople, you'd be wrong. Like, are salespeople that out of touch with normal people?

    Obi wan has needs
  • What is the context for the top frame? I assume that is Ewan McGregor.

  • What's your most favorite place you've ever been to?
  • Iceland, followed closely by Finland.

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • Licensed US Customs Broker, I help my clients navigate getting their goods imported through US Customs.

  • Leave some degrees for the rest of us
  • He would be an immediate block for me, anytime I see a sentence and not a job title under their name. It’s served me well so far the rare times I open LinkedIn.

  • Star Trek Is Showing More Love To Scott Bakula’s Enterprise
  • After watching it completely through within the last few years, I can say I rank it higher than Voyager.

  • Am I old now?
  • I also heard by the socks. Millennials do no-show, but apparently high socks are the style now? Those will never not look super dorky to me, so I guess I’m old now.

  • Master Chef in the making
  • Also, LinkedIn

  • What's your favorite underrated band?
  • I’m more partial to The Power of Failing, but I’ll take any Mineral. Did you see the two new songs they released for the 25th?

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • Whatever Commodore 64 ran, back when I was a little kid in the early 90s.

  • What's your favorite underrated band?
  • Anathallo


    Neither together anymore, although Mineral did play some reunion shows in 2019.

  • Guest Post: FBI Special Agent Richard Nixon

    This post first appeared on Today in Alternate History , inspired by the TL Special Agent Richard Nixon . In 1972, Acti...


    Help me understand?

    So I've been doing a deep dive into all this stuff recently, I find it to be fun and interesting. However, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what all these whistleblowers are alleging. Basically, the idea is that there is a secretive group of USG employees that know what is going on with UAPs and researching stuff, but Congress and the President know nothing of it and have no oversight of it? Is it just a bunch of high-ranking military people who pass the knowledge on to their successor when they retire? Or is the idea that all of these whistleblowers and Congress are in on it and this is all part of a slow 'controlled disclosure' scenario? Or is it a combined scenario where some members of the Executive Branch DO know about it but others don't?

    Obviously, there are no hard and fast answers to this, I just feel like I keep hearing conflicting things about who in the USG knows what, and wondering if there is any kind of rough consensus about this? Probably a fools errand, but I figured I'd at least ask.


    Looking forward to this one on Steam Deck since it'll support support Linux out of the box! Free Stars: Children of Infinity coming to Linux after smashing Kickstarter goals

    Well that really was fast. Free Stars: Children of Infinity, the sequel to The Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control 2) is now confirmed to be supporting Linux (and macOS).

    Free Stars: Children of Infinity coming to Linux after smashing Kickstarter goals

    Free Stars: Children Of Infinity - Official Announcement Trailer

    Anyone else have fond memories of Star Control 2?


    Sequel to Star Control 2 - The Ur-Quan Masters

    Been waiting my whole adult life for this one!

    The Talos Principle Klanky It sure looks like The Talos Principle 2 is about to get an expansion

    Teaser videos and cryptic tweets hint at something new on the horizon.

    It sure looks like The Talos Principle 2 is about to get an expansion
    Customs_Broker - a place to discuss all things Customs Brokerage Klanky

    Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect U.S. Steel and Shipbuilding Industry from China’s Unfair Practices | The White House FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect U.S. Steel and Shipbuilding Industry from China’s Unfair Practices | The White House

    Call to triple the tariff rate on steel and aluminum imports from China United States Trade Representative to investigate China’s unfair shipbuilding practices President Biden knows that steel is the backbone of the American economy, and a bedrock of our national security. American steel fueled the ...

    FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect U.S. Steel and Shipbuilding Industry from China’s Unfair Practices | The White House

    Wife was just diagnosed

    Hello all, I am a 39M whose wife (42F) was just diagnosed with ADHD. We’ve had a suspicion ever since our 6 year old was diagnosed and we started doing a deep dive into it and realizing a lot of the symptoms fit her. Even some of the memes from this community helped her to start looking into it herself. She is relieved to find out she’s not just ‘a disorganized slob’, that there is a reason for her struggles, but now the real work begins.

    My question is: what do you wish your partner would have known/done for you? I want to be as supportive as possible and make sure I’m not contributing to any negative feelings, and help her find ways to build coping mechanisms. Just looking for any advice!


    Low-Impact Landscaping Law (Maryland)

    Just found out about this law that went into effect in 2021 in MD. HOAs or communities cannot require turf-only landscapes.

    1 Source: Orioles calling up top prospect Holliday

    The Baltimore Orioles are calling up infielder Jackson Holliday, the No. 1 prospect in baseball, after a torrid start at Triple-A this season, a source told ESPN on Tuesday night.

    Source: Orioles calling up top prospect Holliday
    0 Source: Orioles calling up top prospect Holliday

    The Baltimore Orioles are calling up infielder Jackson Holliday, the No. 1 prospect in baseball, after a torrid start at Triple-A this season, a source told ESPN on Tuesday night.

    Source: Orioles calling up top prospect Holliday
    Customs_Broker - a place to discuss all things Customs Brokerage Klanky Smugglers melted and spray painted $10 million in gold to look like machine parts

    The suspicious plane cargo was flagged by the Hong Kong authorities.

    Smugglers melted and spray painted $10 million in gold to look like machine parts

    cross-posted from:

    Customs_Broker - a place to discuss all things Customs Brokerage Klanky

    Nathan For You - Nathan's Band

    An oldie but goodie with some 'tariff engineering' fun.

    Customs_Broker - a place to discuss all things Customs Brokerage Klanky

    Cross-post: Six arrested after illegally imported goose intestines found hidden under rattlesnakes Six arrested after illegally imported goose intestines found hidden under rattlesnakes: Feds

    Six people were arrested in New York on Tuesday on charges of illegally importing goose and duck intestines from China, in some cases by hiding them under packaged rattlesnakes or mislabeling them as pet grooming products on customs forms, federal officials announced.

    Six arrested after illegally imported goose intestines found hidden under rattlesnakes: Feds

    cross-posted from:

    Customs_Broker - a place to discuss all things Customs Brokerage Klanky

    Cross-post: EU increases tariffs on Russian grain to hamper its war effort – but it’s European consumers who could feel the pinch EU increases tariffs on Russian grain to hamper its war effort – but it’s European consumers who could feel the pinch

    Some people think the decision to impose higher tariffs is just an excuse used by the EU to keep protecting its own farmers.

    EU increases tariffs on Russian grain to hamper its war effort – but it’s European consumers who could feel the pinch

    Why do we have to do the health insurance company's job for them?

    Just so tired of almost every time a doctor submits stuff to insurance, we have to be the ones to make multiple phone calls to both the doctor's office and insurance to iron everything out, figure out what the issue is (it's always a different issue), and basically be the go-between for the office and insurance. What am I paying $500+/month for?! It's like paying for the privilege of having an exhausting part-time job.

    And yes, I understand that insurance wants to weasel out of paying anything, but this isn't even shadiness, just straight up incompetence and lack of communication/following procedures. The amount of emotional energy we have to spend untangling this stuff leaves us drained.
