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KaKi87 KaKi87

🇬🇧 | 24yo French web dev & tech enthusiast

🇫🇷 | Développeur web Limougeaud de 24 ans passionné par l'informatique

Main fediverse account (Mastodon) : @[email protected]


Formerly @[email protected], moved because of Cloudflare.

Posts 21
Comments 76
[Meta] 🎶 Un jour mon prince viendra 🎶 Edit: il est arrivé!
  • On attend le post maintenant xD

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • Willing to give this a go.

    Alright, don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any and request help if you need any

    My go-to for getting non-repo debs automatically has been deb-get

    Yes, I mentioned it in the Differences with deb-get & AM section of my tutorial.

    it seems to go long periods of time between PR merges and releases (which includes adding new software)

    Yeah, I could reiterate in that section that my app allows the user to add apps themselves.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • It's more functional than object-oriented and I read the former better than the latter. 😅

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • My point is that I'm working a solution for end users.

    The solutions you're offering are not user-friendly.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • Well, I'm just automating what people currently have to do manually : visit GitHub and download DEB and install DEB.

    If the automated process would be dangerous then the manual process also would be, and that would be on the maintainer for not providing an APT repository or a Flatpak, not on the user for just downloading from GitHub.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • Why the OOP structure and syntax ? Sorry but it makes it difficult to read for me even in my own language 😅

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • I didn't know there was one, that's interesting, thanks.

    Updates must still be delayed because of being third-party though.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • I'd be willing to implement additional features for people who are extra careful about security.

    Could you please explain what does this consist in ?


  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • What's a FIFO ?

    I've also looked into VFS but found nothing I'd have the skills to implement. 😅

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • Discord not automating downloads of DEBs is one of the reasons motivating me to do this.

    Personally I need the desktop client because I mod it with plugins that are so useful that I can't do without these anymore.

    Alternatively, there are third-party repositories here and here.

    There still is delay between Discord releases and repository updates so I still believe dynapt to be the better solution.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • Thanks, and agreed !

    Fortunately, copy/pasting works and you only have to do it once.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere
  • Yeah, I don't have the skill for this. I'd be very happy if someone else would make this, but if not then I'm sticking to HTTP.

  • I made a local APT repository that automatically fetches DEBs and AppImages from anywhere

    On Debian-based distros, when an app is available as a DEB or an AppImage (that doesn't self-update), but no APT repository, PPA or Flatpak, the only option is to manually download each update, and usually manually check even whether there are updates.

    But, what if those would be upgraded at the same time as everything else using the tools you're familiar with ?

    dynapt is a local web server that fetches those DEBs (and AppImages to be wrapped into DEBs) wherever those are, then serves these to APT like any package repository does.

    I started building it a few months ago, and after using it to upgrade apps on my computers and servers for some time, I pre-released it for the first time last week.

    The stable version will come with a CLI wizard to avoid this manual configuration.

    Feedback is welcome :)


    Black OBS capture on KDE neon 6


    On KDE neon 6 using Wayland, OBS 30.1.2 is black when trying "Screen Capture (PipeWire)" or "Window Capture (PipeWire)", when launching from terminal, the following line stands out : > error: [pipewire] Error retrieving pipewire fd: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message recipient disconnected from message bus without replying

    When asking the OBS community, I'm told :

    > Sounds like a broken PipeWire and/or xdg-desktop-portal install. That would be a question for your distro's support channels

    What to do ?



    SOLVED : the xdg-desktop-portal package crashes since v1.18.3 (see issue report), so downgrading it fixes this.


    Pourquoi, concrètement, dissoudre l'Assemblée Nationale ?

    Qu'est-ce que ça apporte de le faire ? Qu'est-ce que ça apporte de ne pas le faire ?



    Install updates from Discover without password ?

    Is that possible ?



    How to disable Fn lock at startup on KDE neon 6 ?



    "KDE neon is a Linux distribution built on top of the latest Ubuntu LTS release (22.04 at the moment)"


    > KDE neon is a Linux distribution built on top of the latest Ubuntu LTS release (22.04 at the moment) > > — KDE neon

    Since 22.04 no longer is the latest Ubuntu LTS, is KDE neon now based on 24.04, or is it still based on 22.04 ?

    It would be nice to have this info in About this System, so we wouldn't be in doubt.



    Breeze-looking BetterDiscord theme ?

    Does that exist ?



    How to prevent Discover from refreshing updates on notification click ?

    Since it just checked for updates already, hence the notification...



    Kate : fold code from end of block ?


    How to make code folding buttons appear not only at start of blocks, but also at end of blocks, like the following in JetBrains ?




    Disable GRUB menu after offline update ?


    After offline updates, KDE neon shows the GRUB menu, despite being otherwise disabled.

    How to prevent that ?



    No edit post button when opening from inbox



    Apply keyboard layout to virtual keyboard


    Despite my keyboard layout is French AZERTY, the virtual keyboard Maliit keeps using the QWERTY layout.

    How to fix this ?



    Apply display scale to login screen


    My login screen is almost unreadable at 100% scale. How to make it apply the 175% scale that I set in Display Configuration that works after logging in ?



    "Show clipboard items at mouse position" behind "keep above other windows" windows


    When triggering the Show clipboard items at mouse position action, the popup appears behind windows on which keep above other windows is enabled.

    How to fix this ?



    Vocal des télétravailleu·r·se·s ?


    Fin 2020, j'avais tenté de créer, via la communauté Reddit francophone, une communauté consistant à permettre aux personnes en télétravail de se retrouver en vocal pendant les heures de bureau, non pas pour parler, ou seulement légèrement, mais pour se tenir compagnie, se motiver mutuellement en synchronisant notre rythme de travail et de pause, autrement dit, recréer une atmosphère de bureau sympa.

    Malheureusement, ça n'a tenu que quelques jours, après quoi plus personne ne venait, ça s'est donc arrêté.

    Qui voudrait retenter ici ?


    Virtual keyboard not showing on non-KDE apps


    Maliit is selected in virtual keyboard settings, it shows up when using a KDE app like Dolphin or Konsole, but it doesn't show up when using a non-KDE app like VLC or Discord.

    How to fix this ?



    TOTP ?


    Est-ce que le TOTP est sans danger à utiliser sur Lemmy depuis le temps ou toujours pas ?



    bo/earl-grey: Elegant dark theme for Gitea - Troplo Git earl-grey

    Elegant dark theme for Gitea


    styles/forgejo-pale-rainbow: default forgejo-dark but true-gray - Source Garden forgejo-pale-rainbow

    default forgejo-dark but true-gray


    Please vote for improving the "profiles" feature's UX


    Firefox has a profiles feature, but isn't easy to use like Chromium's.

    As it fits LivreWolf's goal, it would be nice to improve this feature's usability for end users.

    Please upvote my feature request on Codeberg if you agree.

