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FunnyUsername Captain Poofter

Hi, there!


I was born in 1989, so I am an ancient grandpa and demand respect for my lawn. (/s ya right like I own a house)

(P.s. I am not a sexy hairy ripped daddy bear, but I do own a cat named Tammy πŸˆβ€β¬›)

Posts 5
Comments 383
Is it normal for men to be propositioned by swingers, and what makes a man an attractive candidate to swinger couples?
  • It's 2024, people are more open minded to things that aren't cis monogamous relationships, and you may just be seeing the results of that as a "slightly" above average attractive man.

    P.s. you might be in the sweet spot of attractive. Better looking than most, but still approachable. It takes balls to ask a George Clooney type for a 4 way.

  • World's richest 1% gained $40 tn in a decade: Oxfam
  • Ok but the 50 dollar mp3 player on amazon is literally the exact same drop shipped 23$ mp3 player on temu. It's the same. Drop shipping doesn't have some factory stock being good and some factory stock being bad. That's not how drop shipping works. It's literally the same products available from the same warehouses just on different storefronts, for different prices.

  • World's richest 1% gained $40 tn in a decade: Oxfam
  • It's literally the same drop shipped stuff on temu. You can order from "local warehouses" and it's literally the same products. Amazon USES drop shipping. They don't own it.

  • World's richest 1% gained $40 tn in a decade: Oxfam
  • Temu opened my eyes.

    8$ for 4 sponges at Target, no more for me.

  • People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • Lmao i bet he was like "fuck those phone companies"

  • Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"
  • I never really understood how BioShock got this tag. What about it is an immersive SIM exactly? Bioshock is a linear first person shooter action/stealth game. There's no other mechanics. You don't have to survive in any way with food or water. There's no deep mechanic specific to the world that you need to tend to and maintain. Literally the only thing that comes even close to being that sort of mechanic is the hacking? Is it an immersive sim simply because you can hack things and lock pick? Because I do those things in Nancy Drew games as well, but I'm pretty sure those are just point and click adventure games. I think BioShock is an amazing atmospheric first shooter RPG, but I've never understood how people think of it as an immersive simulator.

  • Republicans Try to Blame Democrats, the Media, CRT for Shooting
  • So you somehow seem to be very willing to shoot people at the same time that you're trying to blame other people for people getting shot. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.

  • Republicans Try to Blame Democrats, the Media, CRT for Shooting
  • Who are the ones who refuse to reign in gun control, again?

  • Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"
  • They don't sell? I was an older teenager when BioShock 1 came out, and people LOVED shooters? Wtf were they talking about? QUAKE?? Everyone was playing cod or half life 2. Fps was a successful genre already, both single player campaigns and multiplayer. i really don't get this quote.

  • People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • You realize 31 year olds were only 10 when YouTube came out? They have lived nearly their whole lives with it. Why do so many people under 30 think anyone over 30 is 50 years old?

  • People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • You don't need to be in a relationship, don't feel pressured by friends & family.

    How can i tell this to bills?

  • People younger than 30, what advice would you give to people over 30?
  • You don't need to be in a relationship, don't feel pressured by friends & family.

    How can i tell this to bills?

  • Why are many people in America so politically unaware?
  • I definitely specified in my question for a comparison to other countries. You replied to my comment with an irrelevant link. And then now you've given me a second irrelevant link. If you can't answer my question, then stop trying.

    Saying "americans are so politically unaware!" Implies Americans alone are unique in being politically unaware. I am looking for actual data that shows specifically americans are less politically aware than the citizens in other countries are about their own countries politics. Showing me information about how bad Americans are at civics tests is not needed here at all.

    Do you have stats do back that up, though? Like actual data that says people in other countries are less politically ignorant than americans?

  • Why are many people in America so politically unaware?
  • Brexit?

    Your link just gives information about political awareness in America, there is nowhere anywhere that compares them to any other country like I asked for.

    P.s. Trump lost the popular vote.

  • Why are many people in America so politically unaware?
  • Do you have stats do back that up, though? Like actual data that says people in other countries are less politically ignorant than americans?

  • Shopping app Temu is β€œdangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • Other commenters have already corrected your thinking, don't pretend like you didn't read them.

  • Shopping app Temu is β€œdangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims
  • Well this disabled person thinks you're a dumb asshole.

  • My experience with Walmart+

    What do you guys think about Walmart+? Service has good value, or just another way a company can suck more money out of consumers while providing the bare minimum of service and quality?

    Edit: lemmy squashed my image into a potato, so here's a hosted one:


    TIL about "Patch Hop" dances, when young women in the '40s and '50s would claim a boy for a school dance by sewing their patch onto their clothes


    Why can't I reply to comments from

    This is happening to me a number of times now and I can't figure out why. I'll be trying to have a conversation through comments and I'll run into a commenter I want to reply to from kbin, And I'll type up my comment and get ready to hit post but then it just fails over and over. I've only noticed it on that server


    Replaying original with the 2.0 update

    I've been playing the original again and it's the first time since the big backwards update from Below Zero, and for the most part I'm appreciating the improvements. But I'm wondering if anyone has noticed any weirdness with progression now? It's hard for me to tell since playing it after you know everything is so much different, but it really feels like they piled on too many blueprints right around when you get the all purpose circular room. Suddenly I have all these rooms and glass options on top of the normal game progression, and it sort of feels...dirty? Like I got end game content too soon? It's like there's barely anything to unlock anymore and I haven't even made it to the lost river. I think I wish they put a little more thought into the timing of dropping.tvose blueprints, or maybe even hiding them in the game world.

    Is there anything you've noticed different in the game that you like playing after the update? That you didn't like? It does run smoother in general so that's nice, way less popping!

    Thanks for reading ✌️


    This is Tammy, she got a new bag.

    Tammy likes bags.
