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Supreme Court weakens federal regulators with Chevron overturning, threatening net neutrality, right to repair, big tech regulation, and more
  • Yeah, that was disappointing. But I do think it was a tough situation. Sanders wasn't a Dem, he was an independent. I think Warren as an established D could have had more pull and commanded more from the establishment side. Unfortunately she picked party over platform.

  • Progressive Dems Call for Codifying Chevron After 'Dangerous' Supreme Court Ruling | Common Dreams
  • But doesn't a lot of this come down to "ambiguity" in statutes which can be attributed to lack of technical expertise. In the example of you make is there a difference between:

    Congress saying the agency is responsible for ensuring drinking water is safe vs the agency is limiting heavy metals in drinking water? If a statute says the agency is responsible for regulating drinking water safety including, but not limited to, heavy metal levels can they also regulate microplastics?

    If ambiguity is at play doesn't that require congress to provide more technical definition to some degree?

    It's crazy it goes to the courts. In an early published ruling Gorush's ruling was talking about the compound of laughing gas because he confuse it for an air pollutant...

  • Progressive Dems Call for Codifying Chevron After 'Dangerous' Supreme Court Ruling | Common Dreams
  • Interesting, I was going off the NYT summary when the news broke:

    Forty years ago, when Chevron was decided by a unanimous but short-handed six-member Supreme Court, with three justices recused, it was generally viewed as a victory for conservatives. In response to a challenge from environmental groups, the justices sustained a Reagan-era interpretation of the Clean Air Act that loosened regulation of emissions, saying the Environmental Protection Agency’s reading of the statute was “a reasonable construction” that was “entitled to deference.”

  • Progressive Dems Call for Codifying Chevron After 'Dangerous' Supreme Court Ruling | Common Dreams
  • I am hopeful this could pass. Congress knows they are not technical subject matter experts. They don't like looking like fools when they talk about the Internet being a bunch of tubes. They want to be able to pass legislation and delegate the details to experts, at least to some degree. They don't want the overhead of that nuance and detail it takes agencies to define. I am surprised the judiciary wants that responsibility..

    With agencies Congress has a scapegoat to drag in the muck and make them look good on TV. Without agencies, Congress is responsible for their own laws and being very explicit about some technical details. They look bad if shit breaks now.

  • Progressive Dems Call for Codifying Chevron After 'Dangerous' Supreme Court Ruling | Common Dreams
  • I have no faith in them be able to pass something like this. Not when this is what the Republicans have been dreaming of for the last 50 years. But I hope they keep trying.

    They haven't. The ruling is only 40 years old from 1984. And it was actually a Reagan era interpretation based on Reagan EPA era. Not sure when the Republicans changed their mind on this though.

    Edit: this probably is a trump era, fauci backlash, change. Maybe tea party roots. But this level of anti intellectualism and Republicans getting nominated to dismantle and not govern didn't exist until probably 2010. Mitt Romney, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield probably all wanted and supported agencies to do their bidding. Mitch used his power to guy like Anit Pai in the FCC which Obama approved....

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • Well understanding for a 5rh grader is different than high schooler, or graduate student, or historian. But because protestantism is such a critical historical theme in early America it makes sense to understand to some degree what those religious beliefs are. I'm not saying a fifth grader needs to dive into it, but for high schooler and college students, it's a bit more important to have a general understanding of it. But I think that understanding also extends to learning about other religions.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • The statement was in response to another commenting not talking about the specific policy, but making a general comment that in order to understand US History and thought of early American Settlers you likely need to have some understanding of the bible. That has nothing to do with this specific teaching policy, and the comment you responded to calls out the commenter didn't trust the superintendent:

    With that said, I don’t trust Oklahoma to teach about the Bible in a manner appropriate for historical analysis rather than religious dominance.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • Cool. Sorry, I'm accustomed to being flamed on this thread for not being as liberal as the base here. Sorry if I came off super defensive. I can't tell if the superintendent is just posturing or not. Without any curriculum definition, what does "teaching the bible" even mean. I agree his objective is probably hoping to teach christian fundametalism, but you can't make that happen with some batshit memo by itself. I actually wish schools could teach religion in a balanced way. In a pluralistic multicultural society, it probably helps to have some background to understand basics of other religions.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • You said this:

    Really, you need to look no further than our legal system though to see how little influence the Bible and Christianity actually have. I don’t just mean the First Amendment, I mean the fact that our whole system is basically a gradual evolution from the laws of Ancient Rome.

    this statement says nothing about what should be taught in schools, it's a statement of history. my statement is simply stating it is very difficult to separate out the roman influence from the christian influence because of thomas aquinas linking christian tradition to greek thought. I would say that from a intellectual POV, founding fathers were probably equally or more influenced by greeks than romans, but at the end of the day we can just call it all classical thought. that's pretty apparent in our architecture of state houses. This is a tangential discussion where we are not discussing what should be taught in schools, but just historical thought in the USA. Please re-read your own to catch up on the conversation topic.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • It's not appropriate for an elementary school kids. Per the article, this applies to grades 5 through 12. So what, 1 year of elementary with the primary focus of impact on junior high and high school?

    But if you are getting into questions of "what was more important to our founding fathers, rome or christianity?" I'd say that's pretty difficult to separate because of thinkers like Thomas Aquinas that married Greek Philosophy with Christianity. When you begin with a point that God is the source of reason, and build off of that, I think you can't easily separate that out.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • I have a lot of friends who, like me grew, up going to church. Some went to catholic high schools, some went to liberal arts colleges with required religions classes in the core curriculum, or had other exposure. None of us go to church in our adulthood and have no intention starting when we have kids. But we all want our kids to have an understanding of what Christianity is because it's important for understanding American history, origins of non profit institutions, and contemporary political and cultural climate. Also want to ensure there's exposure and understanding of Judaism, Islam, and other predominant religions. Not sure how kids are supposed to get that these days without growing up in a religious house hold.

    Growing up in the Pacific Northwest I remember in school we studied Native American cultures which included some exposure to myth and religion. I wish there was a way schools could touch on modern religions in a more neutral way, perhaps more similar to how we teach classics/greek mythology.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • I think you are really glossing over the work of Thomas Aquinas. It's kind of hard to separate the Rome/Greek stuff from the historical Christianity stuff before modern day Evangelical Fundamentalism. Christian thought historically became very linked to Greek philosophy.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • Well I think the Unions and government need to push back on this (the AG already is). I 100% believe that this should be reveresed. But reading the article it states that losing your teaching license is possible punishment. It's really easy to be high and mighty when it's not your livelihood and job on the line. If you need to wait it out while the courts settle it what do teachers need to do to protect their jobs, stay in compliance, and avoid retaliation until this gets settled? How many teachers already are in compliance just by teaching regular US history curriculum that says "yeah, protestants read the bible and disputes on interpretation of the bible with catholics is part of the history of America." I think it's important to note that the Gutenberg press published the first printed bible. With the increase of education and literacy lay people no longer had to get teachings directly from the literate Orthodoxy. This allowed to different interpretation and rise of different religions which led to conflict, etc...

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • The existence of the Bible is historical fact and artifact. There is historical merit in studying the various religious beliefs of historical peoples that factored into their values and thinking. Protestantism is factually a thing. Different colonies and denominational belief is a thing and a topic in American history. What made Quakers Quakers and how did that impact the Pennsylvania.

    There's a difference between teaching the bible, teaching theology, and teaching histories of religion. There's definitely questions of what we are teaching and what is appropriate in public primary and secondary schools and in what subject, but I don't think there is anything in and of itself bad if the historical religious beliefs and impact on historical civic life are discussed.

  • Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • What's the difference here between teaching the bible and teaching history? I recall getting through Hon and AP US History and Civics with and understanding of protestantism conflicts, Calvinism, and Deism. The law and mandate is bullshit, but what is the actual curriculum requirements. If you are teaching the historical content of the Bible that means you can also teach about atheists that took issue with it. Is there a lot of room for malicious compliance?

  • AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary
  • Sorry. how does AOC defeating democratic moderate in a primary impact a republican getting elected. I don't think moderate D's or voting R on the presidential ballot. A moderate Democrat is still voting democrat.

  • Comcast Unveils Peacock, Netflix, Apple TV+ Streaming Bundle

    The upcoming StreamSaver bundle continues a bid by the NBCUniveral parent and rivals to wring profits from their direct-to-home consumer platforms.

    Comcast Unveils Peacock, Netflix, Apple TV+ Streaming Bundle

    Cable is dead. Long live the cable bundle. Curious to see the pricing and if the bundle only includes ad tiered options.

    Personal Finance Copernican

    What are "complicated" taxes that require a professional? (USA)

    I always see advice about which software to use and there's always the advice that FreeTaxUSA is the best bang for your buck and does everything you need for when your taxes are "simple." I've used and thought it was great for years. But as my career has grown and no longer filed as a single I've begun to question when my taxes and earnings become "complicated" to the point where it is worthwhile to have a professional do my taxes. Are there general recommended bullet points or scenarios?

    9 The Moral Case Against Equity Language

    What’s a “justice-involved person”?

    The Moral Case Against Equity Language

    >The words [Equity-language] guides recommend or reject are sometimes exactly the same, justified in nearly identical language.


    >Although the guides refer to language “evolving,” these changes are a revolution from above. They haven’t emerged organically from the shifting linguistic habits of large numbers of people.


    >Prison does not become a less brutal place by calling someone locked up in one a person experiencing the criminal-justice system.


    >The whole tendency of equity language is to blur the contours of hard, often unpleasant facts. This aversion to reality is its main appeal. Once you acquire the vocabulary, it’s actually easier to say people with limited financial resources than the poor.

    31 Paramount Global Laying Off 800 Employees as CEO Bakish Cites Need to Cut Costs

    Paramount Global, amid a swirl of M&A discussions, is laying off about 800 employees worldwide as it looks to trim costs.

    Paramount Global Laying Off 800 Employees as CEO Bakish Cites Need to Cut Costs

    >Paramount Global, amid a swirl of M&A discussions, is laying off about 800 employees worldwide — an estimated 3% of its headcount — as it looks to trim costs.


    >For the third quarter of 2023, Paramount Global’s revenue rose 3% thanks to its growth in its streaming and film businesses — but revenue in its largest division, linear TV, fell 8% as sales of traditional television advertising continued to contract (declining 14% in the quarter).

    Personal Finance Copernican

    Low Interest Loan Repayment or CD/HY Savings

    Looking to pay off $15k of student loan debt of my partner. It's something we could wipe out with cash on hand if we wanted to relatively quickly. But one of the loans is 4.5%. Am I better off just riding that out but keeping the cash in for that loan in a HY savings account or keep reinvesting it in short term CD's that have a 5% return and to have more liquidity?

    There's a part of me that used to really enjoy the piece of mind of being debt free when I paid off my student loans. But now that I'm more financially established and disciplined, I'm wondering if it's better to pay it off slowly.


    Israel Raids West Bank Hospital as Clashes Erupt With Hamas in Northern Gaza - The New York Times Israel Raids West Bank Hospital as Clashes Erupt With Hamas in Northern Gaza

    The raid, by a small team wearing medical garb, came as Israel confirmed it was trying to flush militants out of tunnels with seawater and had renewed fighting in northern Gaza.

    Israel Raids West Bank Hospital as Clashes Erupt With Hamas in Northern Gaza

    Why Didn’t Scot Peterson Try to Stop the Parkland Shooter? - The Atlantic To Stop a Shooter

    Why would an armed officer stand by as a school shooting unfolds?

    To Stop a Shooter

    Long form article on school shootings, police dept scapegoating, training for active shooters, and the confusing time to be a police officer where public feedback wants deescalation in most scenarios, but expect military or warrior mentality training for school shootings responses.

    >Because cowardice is not an actual crime—courts have consistently ruled that police officers have no specific constitutional duty to protect citizens, except for those in their custody—Florida prosecutors argued that Peterson, in his job as a school resource officer, was a “caregiver” for the children at Stoneman Douglas. His trial would thus be an experiment in a new arena of police accountability: Can cops be criminally punished for failing to move toward gunfire?

    >Peterson had received only three specific active-shooter trainings, in 2007, 2012, and 2016. Although other courses had taught relevant or adjacent skills—“tactical pistol,” “combat life saver”—or had been lectures that focused on things like the history of mass shootings, Peterson had spent very little time learning how to do one of the most dangerous and complex tasks required of law enforcement: confront a shooter who has a semiautomatic rifle.

    >In one solo-response exercise, the script prompted instructors to say: “There is no reason to give up a good position of cover … Remember, the cavalry is on their way, so it’s better to hold, than to expose yourself to unknown threats.”

    >Over the past few years, the public has witnessed multiple distressing moments of baffling police behavior. All those cops standing, impotent, in the hallways of a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school while children were slaughtered. Cops killing Black motorists after traffic stops escalated needlessly. To policing experts, both problems fall under the same umbrella: improper use of force. Too little force, too much force—both lead to terrible outcomes.

    >Nobody is sure any longer what the job of policing is, Morgan told me, or how to weigh its different priorities. This squares with what cops have been telling me in recent years: It’s never been a more confusing time to be a police officer.


    The International Court of Selective Justice - The Atlantic The Genocide Double Standard

    To have legitimacy, international justice must be applied fairly and evenly.

    The Genocide Double Standard

    >To have legitimacy, international justice must be applied fairly and evenly.


    Syncing vote color to Lemmy style?

    I've sometimes gotten confused switching between the web interface and sync app because the Sync app follows Reddit style with orange for upvote and blue for down, whereas Lemmy is blue for up and orange for down. But now I'm confused since there are 2 sync logos with different up/down colors. Will future release change the Sync colors to align with Lemmy style for up/down votes?

    (also, undoing that down vote, just wanted to snap pic of the web ui!)


    How the Supreme Court May Rule on Trump’s Presidential Run - The New York Times How the Supreme Court May Rule on Trump’s Presidential Run

    The legal issues are novel and tangled, experts said, and the justices may be wary of knocking a leading presidential candidate off the ballot.

    How the Supreme Court May Rule on Trump’s Presidential Run

    TL;DR NY Times predicts trump will remain on the ballet and the ruling will likely have a very narrow basis in hopes of achieving unanimous consensus from the court.


    How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7 - The New York Times ‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

    A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

    ‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7
    postrock Copernican

    Explosions In The Sky: “I feel like we should put on one or more concerts sharing the bill with Mogwai” [Entrevista] Explosions In The Sky: "siento que deberíamos montar uno o varios conciertos compartiendo cartel con Mogwai" - Binaural

    Para un buen cuarentón que se precie hay pocas sensaciones más bonitas y memorables que las que experimentamos…

    [Entrevista] Explosions In The Sky: "siento que deberíamos montar uno o varios conciertos compartiendo cartel con Mogwai" - Binaural
    Personal Finance Copernican

    Newly-ish married. How to plan and save for home buying in NYC?

    Newliyish married, but the new reality is partner finished law school so going back to the DINK lifestyle. We live in NYC and are lucky to be in a rent regulated apartment. On one hand we realize it's cheaper to stay there forever, but it's not the most well maintained building the the amenities aren't the best... Anyways, we want to aggressively start saving for a downpayment, but have some question.

    And before folks say leave NYC, no, that is not the plan and not what we want. We like the lifestyle, car less, near a park, etc. So really want to understand what the planning is for that.

    1. Based on all the "how much house can you afford" calculators we can afford like 3-4X monthly housing payments than we currently have. That seems insane, but how should we be thinking about the fixed cost of a mortgage over time that is also equity as opposed to rent? When buying a house, is it kind of expected that it is more "painful" earlier in the lifecycle of a mortage, but naturally gets easier as inflation kicks in and salaries go up?

    2. I've been maxing out stock purchasing plans and what not to save while partner was in laws school, but kind of saving less because I was the single income currently have about 1/3rd of downpayment in securities (maybe 50% if my employers stock ever bounces back to 2021 valuations). I'm thinking for the next 2 years we should try to devote what we anticipate our mortgage (and other fees like taxes, co-op, etc). would be to buy. That would allow us to save and see how that change impacts quality of life and other factors. Is that a good strategy? This would be in addition to normal saving practices. Our parents would probably assist too with the downpayment, but haven't broached that until we are closer to doing this for real.

    3. When it comes to saving for a down payment, is it better for psychological and newly married folks to use that as a way to get used to joint finances in a dual income (nearly equal salaried) partnership? If so, what type of account should we open. High yield savings? Short term CD's?

    4. For NYC specifically, what are the differences to consider between buying buildings, co ops, or condos when it comes to finances? 2/3 family homes in some ways look good on paper, but how do you factor in being a landlord and costs and risks for doing that? Co ops and Condos seems more attractive on paper for being much more simple in terms of ownership and responsibility of the entire property.

    Any other advice is welcome. Thanks!


    Need recommendations for a portable low profile keeb

    My partner loves her GMK67 with outemu panda switches I built for her a while ago. Now that she has to go in the office she constantly complains how shitty the keyboards are.

    What would you recommend for a low profile portable keyboard to give a similar experience the GMK67/Panda that is safe to throw in a backpack, but also a bit quieter for an office setting?

    I was looking at the Nuphy Air60 since it has a case option, but I don't know what switch would be good, maybe Wisteria or Moss?

    Also looked at the Keychron, but from the switch descriptions only the Mint and Banana sounded close to a switch I would want, but nothing is currently in stock in a 60% layout.

    Am I looking in the right direction, or are there other recommendations?

    indieheads - For fans of indie and alternative music. Copernican

    Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste on Burnout and His Second Act as a Therapist

    0 Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste on Burnout and His Second Act as a Therapist

    “It’s nice to know that I'm doing something where my success isn't linked to public perception.”

    Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste on Burnout and His Second Act as a Therapist
    New York City Copernican

    NYT: An Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods (and what people call them) An Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods

    More than 37,000 New Yorkers told us where their neighborhoods start and end. We mapped them all.

    An Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods

    Where does crown heights end and prospect heights begin? Is Greenwood heights really different than sunset park and south slope? Is "Ridgewood-Bushwick" really a neighborhood name? This and more in a fun NY Times interactive map.
