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Artisian Artisian
Posts 15
Comments 82

What are diabetic test strips made of?

And, for bonus points, how are they made?

These seem like an awfully important test piece. I'm pretty sure they're just checking for glucose with some enzyme or something. But who knows, maybe its something simple or everyday? Are all brands using the same materials?

Why some people are ok with authoritarianism
  • For the record - this is the argument against democracy. And it's not so bad!

    Democracy can do horrific things! It is prone to mistakes with things that can be fear-mongered, where there's a lot of money invested in grifting, and when the real reasons are sufficiently complicated that they don't fit on signs (or nobody is interested in doing the work to put them on signs).

  • People with experience working in and around municipal water infrastructure: Do you drink tap water? Are there times when you do not?
  • depending on how much want to do, I have seen kits for ~$30. Pretty sure I've seen some small kits taken for camping, so they can't be too pricy. And if you can't afford it, just start bringing it up around town! Maybe somebody will get excited and do it for you.

  • Pets are mental health barometers

    I'm not very good at telling when I need more sunlight, exercise, or even food. But I can tell when our pet needs things, and find it pretty motivating to take care of them (and hence myself).

    Math people: would a ship that is 1/4 slower but can complete a 180° turn 1/4 faster escape its pursuer?
  • Fortunately containers can get bigger =)

    While we aren't all the same, there's a difference between things that require holding 8 complicated things in mind at once, and things that require a little language learning and the intelligence to solve a crossword. This is closer to the latter - like doing a crossword in Spanish. You need to know a bunch of little things, but learning them is basically all tedium and not brilliant insights. (Taking these puzzles, creating a dozen new variants, and solving all of those probably does require managing a lot of complexity. But to understand the work of others, is not so bad)

  • Math people: would a ship that is 1/4 slower but can complete a 180° turn 1/4 faster escape its pursuer?
  • If it's any consolation, you are almost certainly within ~3 years of understanding the solution and a dozen variants. It's not a super deep area. Probably doesn't really require calculus (you need continuous as in 'the lion doesn't teleport; that's cheating', but I think not much more).

  • Math people: would a ship that is 1/4 slower but can complete a 180° turn 1/4 faster escape its pursuer?
  • I'm a little sad nobody with the relevant mathematics background has jumped in. These puzzles are considered; a simple version is the lion-hunting-man where both have the same speed and infinite turning speed (eg, this paper, where the arena they play in varies).

  • Shopping cart

    I have been walking to the nearest grocery, and have just had my foldable shopping cart break. The large plastic wheels shattered, and made for a very unpleasant time dragging the thing back home. I'm curious if anyone has suggestions for a good cart, or even one that's relatively easy to repair. Foldable is not important. Not getting stuck on every crack in the sidewalk would be a plus.

    Temtem will stop (most) development later this year, monetization will be removed at a later date.
  • I think this is the proper way to treat games that you're done developing. My only requests might be:

    • Adding a way to self-host an instance (with mod tools)
    • Open sourcing (so the community can fix their own bugs)
  • Why would your best friend or someoneyou mutually considered a good friend suddenly ghost you?
  • It's likely in some cultural groups - and has been true for a friend or two of mine. A particular example was someone going to a Psych ward, where their phone was kept in a vault. Obviously you know more context than me. But the probability is nonzero.

  • Why would your best friend or someoneyou mutually considered a good friend suddenly ghost you?
  • They've suddenly landed in a really controlling environment (be it a partner, parents, or a government), and wish to hide your relationship/keep you out of the crosshairs.

  • Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024
  • Not FOSS, but ad free and its been able to find the hidden RSS feeds for things OK. FeedDemon at:

    Probably not what you are after, but maybe someone with a similar question.

  • Nothing I was ever taught was truth.
  • (joke) Surely someone taught you a math class! Those are all true. Useless, but true!

    Hopefully as a reminder: 1+1=2 0 is the additive identity element integration wrt a fixed point and derivatives are inverse operations

  • Video shows Indiana lawmaker showing holstered gun to students who were advocating for gun control
  • to anyone who understand this behavior - what's the man trying to do here? Is there any charitable read? Having a hard time imagining it.

  • You should be able to ask "I want a CIS mate" in a dating app without being shamed.
  • I do feel better about folks advertising who they are then about folks singling out certain types of red flags. idk, spend no time on dating apps. Maybe it's a weirder place than I realize.

  • ChatGPT cannot do punctuation grammar correctly even if you forced it
  • Surprised nobody mentioned this: Most of these models use tokenization; they group words into groups of symbols like "ea" and "the" and "anti" - they don't pick which key to press for the text, they pick which bunch of keys to press. These are called tokens. I believe there are tokens it just can't output, or tokens that are extremely unlikely. I could imagine that "etc." and "...." are tokens with relatively high probabilities, but perhaps "etc..." doesn't break into a nice set of them? (or the tokens it can be broken into all have extremely low weights for the model).

  • [Help] How to unlock carrier on a second hand iphone?
  • I saw a website offering this, but it looked very sketch to me... Hence asking strangers on the internet, which everyone knows is much safer.

  • [Help] How to unlock carrier on a second hand iphone?
  • Will do after the holidays. Let's assume I'm unlucky and they are uncooperative, suggested things to try next?

  • iPhone Artisian

    [Help] How to unlock carrier on a second hand iphone?

    I've got an old iphone SE 2 second hand, pretty sure the seller is dead at this point. I'd like to use a new sim card, but the carrier is locked (I think Tmobile)?

    Glancing online, it seems like the retailer will want proof of purchase. Is there anyway to do this easily from home, or should I start looking at jailbreaking it? (This is for a friend; I'd rather keep this as simple as possible)

    Follow up for any future wanderers: This worked, but only because the seller was indeed dead. They asked me to pay the balance on the account, took a credit card payment, and then unlocked it ~5 min later. Not too painful.

    I HATE that this is real and not doctored
  • I mean... missiles are the most direct 'degrowth' implementation I've seen.

  • With the year coming to an end, what was your favorite video game you played this year?
  • Favorite so far was probably Talos Principle 2. It was excellent, best movie of the year. And the puzzles were fun too.

  • Good multiplayer games for 3 people
  • Somebody dropped a fair bit of cash and got Balders Gate 3 running for everyone. It's been big enough to fill a lot of time, but probably wont solve the problem when we're not all on vacation.

  • How do I stop hating children?
  • But I think blaming children for the fact that all people are unbearable is... idk, you've mistaken a symptom for a problem? Working on the general misanthropy is probably a better start?

  • How do I stop hating children?
  • It's very weird to me that you're only listing loud things children do... Like, have you ever been around a sleeping child? Do they bother you? What about in a classroom, watching a movie, or running in the distance (out of earshot)?

    Average volume of a child is higher than adults, but only by a factor of 2 or so. And their noises are interpretable, you can definitely figure out what they mean, unlike the adult noises.

  • Medlife Crisis: Should Doctors Help People End Their Lives?

    Policy video on assisted dying by a UK doctor. Youtube has decided not to promote it as an intense topic, so I'm putting it here.

    FWIW, I don't think the video will be particularly triggering. It's heavy, but they are quite focused on the case of physiologically terminally ill patients.


    Good multiplayer games for 3 people

    What are some excellent games that remain excellent for a group of three?

    So many multiplayer game lists include games that are only playable for 2 players (eg, It takes 2, portal 2). Best I could figure out in steam store search was to look for multiplayer games that aren't co-op, but this seems to remove many games that support 3 players.


    Kitty Pryde 20x "Can't Do!"

    Just played a game and saw a weird bug - I loki'd their kitty pryde while mobius and quinjet was around. After it got pulled back to my hand it gave the 'Can't Do!' popup throughout the ending location effects and next draw/turn. Stopped after... a lot of pop-ups.


    What RSS feed manager do you recommend and why?

    I've recently wanted a more programmable one, as my work recently broke the shared calendar (but haven't broke the rss feed for it, yet!). Suggestions?


    How best to control No Man's Sky?

    Should I be using a controller, a keyboard, or something else? I heard that it was developed for PC, has that remained the better UI?


    What are electrolytes?

    I know gator-aid and its like advertise that they have lots of them. And I know sometimes I feel bad if I sweat a lot and just drink water. But are they just advertising... salt? Are there different kinds of electrolytes, and if so are they interchangable?


    An open letter regarding MathFest in Florida An open letter to the MAA

    The MAA should take some notes from the Human Rights Campaign and have more honest advertising for MathFEST 2023. MathFest is the the Mathematical Association of America’s flagship annual con…

    An open letter to the MAA

    This years MAA MathFest is in Tampa Florida, which is not a good place to be LGBTQIA+. The linked open letter asks the organizers to provide an online option, and be more honest in their messaging.

    Email template and emails to reach out to appear at the end.


    General tips for which clothes can be machine washed?

    I've got an old trench coat that really needs cleaned, but the tag has frayed/fallen off/lost all text, and I can't remember if it's machine washable.

    In case I run into similar troubles, are there any good actionable rules to use here? Thanks!


    Open source Math exchange alternative Mathematics - Q&A

    Mathematics on Codidact - open, community-run Q&A knowledge sharing

    Recently noticed this open source math exchange-like site. The community is pretty slow (seems like there's lots of people interested in answering questions, but not so many posting them), which may make it a good target if you've got a good question that isn't getting the attention you'd like.

    Curious if anybody knows other alternatives.


    Can't see many posts while logged in

    I cannot view many (most?) posts on while I'm logged into my account. Logging out makes them visible. Issue persists across browsers (FF and chrome).

    My best guess is that I've somehow messed with the allowed languages setting? But I don't see how to 'reselect' Undetermined in languages, or otherwise reset the settings.


    Why can't I see posts in some local communities? (But I CAN see posts when I'm on a different device)

    In particular, I can't seem to see posts in the (local?) ELI5 community: while I'm logged in?

    Good news! Jilanico found the fix, go into your profile settings and make sure both english and undetermined are selected (I had to ctrl+click them, they were both highlighted blue when I clicked save settings)
