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An accessory for a niche use

I haven't seen one of these in a few days, so I thought I'd toss in one of my own.

It's meant for via ferrata to reduce the impact of falling on static gear. You loop a short rope through the holes and it absorbs the forces of the fall by friction of the rope slipping through. This is the Kong Kisa.


accidentally posted to the wrong instance lol

cross-posted from:


Probably one of my favorite gadgets. I wish I had known about them sooner.

These are electric nail "clippers".

Though it's really more of a nail shaver if you think about it....


I have actually used a couple variants of this thing

It's a metal band tensioner and cutter. Usually used to secure something to a post that you have no intention of removing for the foreseeable future.


worlds smallest cookie jar?

Egg for scale because I ate all my bananas.




glass egg thing


funny extending top


its stretchy


ouchy desk bell

I got one recently. Happy with it.


more weird metal things lol


Round 3

As a nurse, I can tell you what my first thought was, but no (also walnut would be a terrible material for that).


ok round two

I'll try to space them out a little after this I'm just mad you all got the last one so fast.


I know what this is, let's see if you all can figure it out

If you guys hate this I'll delete it but I figure fedi could use more engagement, especially to build up really useful comms like this one. One of my "hobbies" is clicking on weird ads for unidentifiable crap products just to see what the fuck is that supposed to be??? and I wanted to see if other people would also find this fun and maybe get a really useful comm more traffic. Found this one on AliExpress.

Edit: ok I'm gonna have to find something really weird.