At the same time, this is realistically the only way to gain/maintain community for really niche topics. Unfortunately, lemmy is not a thriving place for things like nonograms, low-poly artwork, the artist C418, or Pokemon GO research/infographics.
Moderating a subreddit is a choice, not a personal characteristic. Attempting to dilute the meaning of the word by pretending that criticism of moderators is "bigotry" is itself abusive reactionary rhetoric.
I used to moderate several subs with over 2M subscribers and while being a Digital Janitor can take a lot of time and effort at the end of the day its just volunteer labor and with Reddit in particular it's volunteer labor to help a commercial entity.
Society would be better off if these kinds of mods would use the time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.
The mod is a lazy POS. He will continue to contribute nothing to the household for as long as it’s tolerated. I hope he sees that post. Maybe that was the intent all along.
Also, I can see how “fake job” could be taken as rude, but why is it bannable to say mods “do it for free”? To me, that just seems like a statement of fact. They are unpaid volunteers, after all. Am I missing something?
I'm already seeing lemmy mods starting to act exactly like reddit mods so it's not that ill-fitting.
We shouldn't be surprised that the reddit-like website made as an alternative to reddit becomes more like reddit as more redditors leave reddit for reddit alternatives.
I do like that moderation log feature on at least one lemmy instance. It allows you to see what the mods are doing and helps avoid communities with bad moderators. Or at least it would if you could search by community.
There's being a mod on many levels. From a mod on 4chan to a mod in facebook groups. Being a reddit mod these days is like naming your herpes and showing coworkers "pictures of the kids"
stammering under the pressure Post spez reddit and the humanitarian... then..... i just can't. Holy jesus fucks on wednesdays this shit screams "reddit mod" which is a whole new level of stupid. Seriously guy? You think you're that important?
And then a reddit mod steps in. And bigorty... bans..... society???? post spez reddit mod activate. Mother fucker.