I thought they were so hot at the time. Well, of course, that was like 95% of what the point was with the band so mission accomplished I guess. To celebrate the downfall of Reddit, here's Ne Ver Ne Boysia Ne Prosi of Eurovision 2003. A different age, when Russia was actually seen as pretty OK. It's too bad what has become of Russia because I think their language lends itself well to music. :) Imagine what could have been, a beautiful country stretching through Siberia.
What happened is that the theatre of peace let its curtains fall to the stage, revealing violence behind. For as long as the average person doesn't fight tooth and nail for what is right and good, violence will always return.
I was surprised when I saw that they never recorded a version of the music video in english; they just found a couple parts that sort of matched the english lip sync and spliced the hell out of the rest of it. Which is why the makeout scene is played so much more in english than the original.