Alright, can we stop with the rhyming now, please?
9 1 ReplyDo the way that they rhyme make you feel ill at ease?
7 0 ReplyNo more rhymes, now, I mean it! - Vizzini
5 0 Reply
Squating really helps actually. Your knees hurt because the supporting muscles around the knee get too weak over time due to lack of use. You can begin with bodyweight squats but weighted squats are even better
4 1 ReplyMy 1 RM training max is currently 160 kg, how much higher before my knees don't hurt when I jump?
2 0 ReplyOf course you might also have osteoarthritis from being overweight and age or might be any number of other reasons.
2 0 Reply
If you master the art of mind control... you don't need to jump. You can get some poor soul to do that for you.
1 0 Replyi can't even jump up without hurting my knees, let alone jumping from a walkway down to another walkway.
1 0 ReplyIt's about form!!!! Knees over toes!!!! Do your hamstring stretches mfers!!!!
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