Work sent me an iPhone 14 for testing because I already had an Android phone, can't think of any other reason to own one other than 1) somebody else paid for it and 2) you need one for work.
got an iphone 15 last year. will be quite a few years before i buy another phone. I keep it until they no longer support it. (so far haven't had one die before that point)
I still use a Pixel 3. Out of support, out of updates, idc.
Newer phones suck so badly I don't know what I'm going to do when this one breaks, maybe go back to that era where we didn't have phones, or just a dumb phone. Fuck this shit.
I prefer to not lose access to my VPNs when the nazis in power is trying to censor the internet. (Apple already pulled VPNs from the China and Russia AppStores, they could do the same to the US)
I stopped buying Apple products over 20 years ago. Got tired of proprietary hardware/software. And as Rick Sanchez once said: "That thing had uptight Zen snob germs all over it."