Anyone saying “they’ll never do it because they don’t want to piss off voters” is missing the real issue and makes the same mistake congressional Dems are. They are assuming we will have fair and free elections in the future.
At the speed with which the chainsaw is moving through federal government institutions, they know they don’t have to worry about elections or voters anymore because we won’t have a republic when they’re done.
Maybe I’m biased because of my reliance on the social safety net completely due to being disabled and have been called a parasite by the richest man on Earth wielding the chainsaw. I’m staring at more carnage occurring at SSA, Medicaid, and HUD all at the same time and wondering how I’ll survive even if one of those gets pulled away from me —let alone all 3.
When all of this shit-show passes, and it will, I hope we remember to pass a law that taxes billionaires to re-fund a new and vastly improved social safety net.
And US, make it an amendment to your constitution so that it’s harder to get rid of when the next bunch of greedy fucks come along
To be fair, abortion mostly effects young women. While Medicare and Social Sec touch the lives of nearly every American family.
If they make cuts, the backlash will come from the left and the right. Significant cuts would be an indication they're not concerned with elections at all.
Because that's a non-partisan red line that would initiate an actual violent revolution. They'll back off from doing it so they can keep dismantling our democracy and filling their wallets without us getting in the way. Because Americans are just awake enough to notice cuts to SS but asleep enough not to notice our democracy dying and the age of the oligarch being ushered in.
Considering 1/3 of the people voted for Trump and 1/3 of the people didn't care enough to vote, and the remaining 1/3 vote for spineless slugs, I say America deserves anything Trump and Musk do to them.