In a recent op-ed, United States Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins outlined her plan to lower the price of eggs and it includes importing more eggs.
This is no news. This is an offer from Canada published via "". Meaning, noone listened to them beforehand and now they make it public that the US isn't interested to lower the domestic price of eggs. ..
... they had not yet received any request for eggs from the United States ...
The big question is by how much production declined in the US.
Well. Sadly a majority of Canadian news outlets are owned by Postmedia (I personally feel like that's a bit too "on the nose",) which is in turn majority owned by Chatham Asset Management, which is in turn fully owned by Anthony Malchiorre. Anthony, and CAM, have a long and....robust....history of being Republican mouthpieces. So.
What has (Canadian) journalism become?
GOP Propaganda? Obviously there's still a bit of journalistic and editorial freedom. But it's a fat lougie in the eye of the law that says Canadian media is to be majority Canadian owned. Sure... Postmedia is "Canadian"....about as fucking Canadian as Timmie's is these days. Which isn't fucking Canadian by a cunt-ry km
In even number years "nutiritionists" say egg whites are bad for you. In odd numbered years they say egg whites are good for you and the yolks are the real problem.
Since it's an odd numbered year, they're probably telling people to not eat egg yolks, only the egg whites.
But that's "nutritionists." Actual scientists say having 7 eggs per week (one every morning) is totally fine and won't cause any harm to your heart.
Apparently animal rights activists jump on board with any quackery that fits their agenda.