I am sorry, but why do we have to specify they are "gay cruise" - I am not against LGBTQIA+ folks, but I think one of the things for equality is proper acceptance, and mentioning gay cruise definitely puts a bad light on it (overly emphasising on theee gay part rather than the rescue part). And it also unnecessarily adds to the stereotypes (which I would not be explaining here). Not homophobeic, but i would have prefered if title would have been - A cruise rescues ...
(overly emphasising on the gay part rather than the rescue part)
that was my whole point - how rescue does adding the word gay add to conversation - we might as well add there racial identity, ethiniicity and what not /s. Maybe using "bad light" was not appropriate wording - let me rephrase it better - we are focussing on wrong thing here - instead of focusing on rescue, we are focussing on the fact they are gay - I dont have problem with them being gay - but that is not the very fabric of their being is it. Whenever we try to put labels on people we ignore there lives as a whole and just focus on labels.
let my try to show my point of view from an example - just switching one wword from title
Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
Indian cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
American cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
Alien cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
In any of these situations did the meaning really change. Just some part of identity of rescuers changed. Now from persepective of this community - Uplifiting news, what is the uplifting news - I am presuming - rescue happened. Does identity matter here.
Maybe I am wrong - then correct me - does the the identity matter here?
Because most cruises aren’t gay cruises, which makes the fact this one was unusual and somewhat interesting
This. Exactly this.
“Two of the most reviled groups in America right now are the LGBTQ+ community and refugees. The fact that we were the ones lucky enough to help them, it feels really, really good.”
That's the reason why the identity of the people on that cruise matters.
Of course, but the detail of the type of passenger on the ship whose crew is rescuing people from another vessel isn't especially relevant to the main point of the story.
Sorry, but I have never heard of them (they are not big over where I live). From checking out there about page - they produce media related to LGBTQIA+. I dont have any strong opinionabout them, but If I extrapolate from the little bit that I got from there recommended articles on the linked page
56 celebrities you didn’t know are gay, bisexual or lesbian
this just seems like people who capitalise on people who are fans of these celebs, and also potentially LGBTQIA+ folks who may look upto them. I don't have any problem with latter, It is good to know about people who have a successfull carreer, but I do have problem with first (which has arguably a large audience - any celeb fan). I am in general not interested about any celebs and I dont like this kind of content.
Going to their homepage - I found politics. Mostly statements by US leaders (conservatives vs liberal) views on LGBTQIA+ folks and their rights. And there are other celebrity posts. I am not American, so I don't really care about them.
And your reply also over generalises my being from 2 words. I am not triggered by hearing gay - but maybe I am too. I have friend who is queer, but even they don't like that their description should start from them being queer. They would much rather prefer if you charecterise them by their name or work, and not just 1 part of identity.
I would also prefer if you would read my original comment again.
First off, is this the perspective of Uplifting News as a community? I posted an article from an lgbt oriented news site on this community before, and got a similar question. You're a mod, so if you think we shouldn't post articles from queer news sites, could you let us know that?
I'm queer, so I read queer news all the time, and sometimes there's something that cheers me up a bit on those sites instead of depressing me, so I'll be like "i should share this with that uplifting news group!" If it's going to be a debate every time we post from lgbtnation, pink news, transvitae, etc, then let us know. They are always going to autofill with headlines about the group they are writing news about and for.
no, I am mod, and this reply is just said as normal comment, if I had to say it as a moderator, i would have spoken other way. This was my opinion.
You are free to post any news, queer related or not. I particularly had problems with the title, and for more detailed explanation read other replies from others and me. As someone else said very concisely, my problem is that using labels is reductive. In my opinion the identity of rescuers is not that important. But someone else said that their opinion - "To me headline highlights the intersectionality and solidarity shown when of one group of historically oppressed people (refugees) is rescued by another group historically oppressed group (gay people)." which is perfectly valid. I think it is okay to have different viewpoints. If you disagree, please correct me.
Just to clarify - problem was not queer website, or someone posting about queer people. And whatever I said was my opinion.