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Youth Code Europe 2025 tour dates

Youth Code just announced some European tour dates!

  • 2nd April: Hus 7, Stockholm (Sweden)
  • 3rd April: Cassiopeia, Berlin (Germany)
  • 4th April: Slachthuis, Haarlem (Netherlands)
  • 5th April: Moth Club, London (United Kingdom)
Question about using rye starter
  • Thank you for the advice: I'll try adapting it to a wheat starter. I've got lots of the rye starter to play with so I might try a few variations: create a levain with the rye starter (like the other commenter suggested) and adapt another portion.

  • Question about using rye starter
  • Thank you for the advice!

  • Question about using rye starter

    I'm new to making sourdough, and I'm relatively new to baking bread in general, so please forgive me if this is a very basic question.

    I've made a starter using nothing but dark rye flour. I'm prepping my first rye loaf right now following this pure rye loaf recipe, but I still have a lot of the rye starter left over that I'm storing in the fridge. Can I use this starter to make other kinds of bread, like whole wheat or white? If so, what kind of adaptations (if any) should I make when preparing these different loaves?

    Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
  • That's a fair point.

    I'm still going to celebrate the gays.

  • Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
  • If I understand you correctly, you're saying that putting emphasis on the "Gay" description is reductive?

    I don't necessarily disagree, but headlines need to be short, capture attention and accurately summarize the content of the article. I think this headline succeeds in all these aspects.

    Also it's worth noting that this cruise was chartered by a company that advertises itself as specialising in gay & LGBTQ+ holiday packages. I doubt anyone taking part in this cruise would object to it being described as gay.

  • Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
  • To me headline highlights the intersectionality and solidarity shown when of one group of historically oppressed people (refugees) is rescued by another historically oppressed group (gay people).

    The fact that the rescuers were from a gay cruise doesn't make their actions inherently more special than if they were from any other kind of cruise, but there's an importance in having positive media portrayal for LGBTQIA+ folks when the current political climate in many countries is turning more towards intolerance and oppression of queer people again.

  • Great egret
  • Would you say it's your greatest egret?

  • Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
  • Why would the fact that it's gay put a bad light on it?

  • Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico
  • Hah someone on the post I cross-posted this from said the same thing šŸ˜‚

  • Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico

    A gay cruise liner has rescued 11 refugees adrift in a small boat in the Gulf of Mexico in an ā€œemotionalā€ moment.

    Gay cruise rescues refugees adrift in Gulf of Mexico

    I think this counts as uplifting news!

    Amazon Teams Up With Plan B for Epic Sci-Fi Series Adaptation of 'Consider Phlebas'
  • Does this mean there might be a possibility of an Excession adaptation if all goes well? šŸ„¹

    I'm not sure how you'd go about adapting that, but I love that book so much.

  • Which Pixel to get?
  • Considering this is a GrapheneOS community I'm assuming OP intends to replace the default OS with that.

  • "Federal Technology Staffers Resign rather than help Musk and DOGE"
  • Isn't this is exactly the outcome Trump and Musk want though šŸ˜•

    If these departments can no longer function because there aren't any capable employees it gives Trump's administration the excuse to replace those institutions with new ones that are directly accountable to him.

    It's admirable that the people who have resigned did so because they don't want any part in what's happening, but I don't think it counts as uplifting news šŸ˜¢

  • Ufomammut ā€” Idolum (2008). Ltd box set
  • The only minus to this is that the bass on this is so heavy I have to crank it up until the windows rattle to get the full audio image.

    Sounds like this is working as intended! šŸ˜‚

  • A theme emerges
  • Yeah I'd like to avoid that import tax if I can. And same, I'd love World Coming Down on vinyl! I'll finally find out if the legend of "Skip It" being different across the different formats is true.

  • A theme emerges
  • Great taste! I've been hunting for this version, it looks wonderful.

  • The system cannot.
  • Same

  • Appreciation for Right Where it Belongs

    I want to take a moment to share my appreciation for Right Where it Belongs. Lately I've been coming back to With Teeth, and I'm feeling a newly-discovered affection for it. Don't get me wrong, I loved it when I first heard it, and listened to it to death. But it didn't stick with me the way the previous albums had. Or so I thought.

    A bit of background: With Teeth came out in 2005, when I was halfway through my first year of university. I'd moved out from home and to a different country to study. I was already a NIN fan, having first bought Things Falling Apart and The Fragile 5 years earlier, and quickly catching up with the discography after that. I loved NIN: I started listening right at the time I was forming my own identity and sense of who I was and wanted to be, and those albums really affected me. I would listen to The Fragile every night as I went to sleep, and it's a testament to that album's layering and composition that I can still find something new in that album, 25 years and hundreds of listens on.

    There was so much excitement in the NIN fan community in the run-up to With Teeth. NIN lore suggested there would be a new album in 2004 (there were 5 years between The Downward Spiral and The Fragile, so it stood to reason that the new album would be out 5 years after The Fragile, right?). Trent and Rob (Sheridan) had been teasing us with updates to the official website: the new album was called Bleedthrough, it was going to be more raw sounding than The Fragile, less dense. We had already had the live album And All That Could Have Been and a surprise companion release with that: Still, a collection of stripped-down versions of some NIN songs plus a few new original pieces. And the original tracks were heartbreaking. They felt open and honest and they were crushing. Would Bleedthrough be a continuation of that style?

    Then things went a bit quiet, and all of the sudden the teasers disappeared. Then a new update: the new album wasn't going to be called Bleedthrough anymore, its new name was With Teeth.

    NIN dropped The Hand That Feeds not long afterwards, and that set the scene for my expectations. I got With Teeth the day it came out and devoted the rest of the day to listening to it

    I loved it. It didn't hit me the same way as The Fragile or The Downward Spiral, but it spoke immediately to the kind of things I was going through at the time. I was away from home, studying, trying to find myself. I had recently gone through a break-up that had shaken me, and I was feeling lost. This album came at the perfect time. I was in a bad place and this album was there with me through it.

    The first time I heard Right Where it Belongs, it all clicked.

    As I was coming out of that space, I stopped listening to With Teeth because it was too connected to those life events. It took a few years to shake that off.

    Right Where it Belongs still makes me tear up though. Now it reminds me that I got through those times, and that I'm still here.

    PSA: custom dnsmasq configurations are disabled by default in Pi-hole v6
  • Haha thank you, I hit this when I upgraded today.

  • Dark, eccentric, pessimistic
  • Das Experiment.

    Genuinely one of the most unsettling films I've ever watched.

  • Far too many people think that Jesus from the Bible was light skinned, even though he grew up in what we call the Middle East.
  • I think the majority consensus is that none of the Gospels were written by contemporaries of Jesus, and they were edited and changed up to 200 years after his death.

  • I think I have a girlfriend now!!
  • Yay, congrats šŸ–¤

  • How come only weirdos want to be my friend? Is it because I have ADHD?
  • As someone who loved basketball, I get how this can be frustrating.

    All I can offer is that they might find different aspects of the sport fun than you do: for them it might be more about feeding the ball to their friend to reinforce trust and solidarity with them.

  • Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral exhibition in New York Nine Inch Nails New York

    Behind The Gallery are specialising in Fine Art Music Photography & Popular Culture and will be introducing you to new photographers and artists with exclusive photography. Check now our online gallery.

    Jonathan Rach's photo exhibition "Nine Inch Nails: The Downward Spiral" is being shown in New York between 21st - 23rd February at Morrison Hotel Gallery, 116 Prince St #2nd, New York, NY 10012.
