Real talk: is there such a thing as a non-tariff response to what the US is doing that doesn't amount to, essentially, rolling over while the US to curb stomps us? What's the alternative? Because 70% seems low.
I’m highly skeptical of the impact this would have, I don’t think the US would feel it much at all. Those isolated places are about it but that probably wouldn’t last long and I doubt US leadership cares much.
Real talk: is there such a thing as a non-tariff response to what the US is doing that doesn’t amount to, essentially, rolling over while the US to curb stomps us?
There's definitely more drastic responses. Rather than simply imposing a tariff, you could go really extreme and throw up a full blown embargo of US goods. You could put a tax on exports (lumber and energy) equivalent to their tariff on imports, further discouraging trade on those goods because you know the US buyers are working against an inelastic good. You could threaten to withdraw from NAFTA or start entering into friendlier trade agreements with US rivals (start doing more business with China or start selling direct to Cuba or Nicaragua or Venezuela).
Retaliatory tariffs are just seen as equal-and-opposite and therefore a legitimate reprisal. The other stuff would be (not unfairly) seen as an escalation and likely upset more than just the Trump base of support.
Cut off access to all monetary gain completely form within Canada for all American citizens and corporations. Divest America from our stock market and business ownership in country.
Stop medical isotopes, potash, water, oil, gas and power as well as all car parts and assembly.
Turn off access to NORAD and boot all Americans employed there.
Divest CPP from American holdings and require all other Canadian pension plans to do the same.
Boot the American mega corps. Walmart, home Depot, MacDonald's, engineering firms, large construction companies etc. or tax them beyond reason for operating in country.
Boot the burocrats, all of them. Wipe all the offices and buildings clean and offer them to nations willing to do the former US trade and play nice.
Encourage other countries to do the same and offer Canadian knowledge and systems to help with the transitions. Don't just focus on home. Focus on the world.
Remove as many American products as possible from store shelves. Divest all universities and education from America completely.
Institute a massive brain drain campaign to welcome all American citizens with skills and knowledge especially in women's health and reproduction, climate science, engineering, design etc. offer citizenship, full moving expenses, signing bonus' and all the best perks if you work within government service for a certain period of time upon arrival.
Offer citizenship to influential American celebrities and artists that disagree with the current fascist administration.
Deny access for Canadian governments and businesses to American based social media platforms completely.
Take all those who are persecuted for their political or personal views and offer sanctuary in Canada. Set up mass immigration posts for current American citizens wanting to denounce their citizenship.
Immediate weapons technology pact with Ukraine. They have the most advanced weaponry for guerilla warfare against a larger more powerful nation. Support them fully and ask for help. We are each in the exact same situation just on different timelines.
Open immigration for American citizens fleeing persecution. Set up an office specifically for this and fast track anyone with medical or scientific backgrounds willing to fill empty positions in our healthcare or education systems.
Would it hurt? Fuck ya. Would it be worth it in the long run to untangle ourselves from that Gong show south of the border? Absolutely.
As nice as that sounds, it's not realistic. Instead, we need to sign tons of trade pacts with other countries. Divert our resources to allies that won't turn on us, even if we need to subsidize some of it in the short term.
Rather than denying the US our resources and markets, it's far better and more concrete to sell what we have to someone else. The US is dependent on our resources to run their economy, but there's plenty of countries that want them as well. If we can refine our base resources and sell them as valued added products, even better.
I don't get whey we sell the US crude when we can refine it all ourselves. Alberta should really be asking why they only have oil workers and not any refiners. Nunavut should be asking why they sell raw diamonds instead of cutting them themselves. We already make and sell high quality steel, aluminum, and uranium. Why not do the same for all the other natural resources we sell? And then sell them to Europe or East Asia instead of the US?
Europe's losing access to many of their raw material producers as well as natural gas. Southeast Asia is both short on energy as well as being the fastest growing new producer and markets. And East Asia will always need reliable energy and potash. And then all this applies to India as well, even if there's some problems with their current government.
Do you want Marines patrolling our streets? While I agree with the sentiment, there is a non zero chance that this would qualify Canada into the oil for freedom kinetic négociation program. Our best option is to wait for the inevitable usa civil war to come and hope it doesn't spill too much north.
Sit back and let fascism root in our own country as well. Good plan. That's what America has done. Italy as well. France is on the way. Germany too...should I continue.
While I agree with the sentiment, there is a non zero chance that this would qualify Canada into the oil for freedom kinetic négociation program.
No way in hell that happens. Not because of Trump's geopolitical acumen, mind you, but because it'd start a civil war, split the country in half and turn America into a global pariah state. And either way America does not have what it takes to occupy Canada. See: Afghanistan.
That's all well and good until the electorate revolts by putting the CPC in charge next cycle. No thank you, if only for the fact it's politically incompatible with anti-fascism. You can't make such broad moves and expect there won't be backlash. Canadians are NOT immune to the same thing happening up here that's happening south of the border.
Fascism is coming whether you like it or not. It is coming for Canada as it has around the world. Not standing up now ensures we will fall. It is not a time in the world to play nice regardless of the political situation, which is as useless here as it is south of the border. Voting is a fallacy you all prop up every chance you get even when it fails you repeatedly.
There will be backlash. We must resist it and endure. That is how change occurs.
This is why I say it's not the American people who are to blame. I wish more people understood this. Canadian society isn't immune from the exact same thing coming up here, especially if the CPC wins and sells us out to the US. Lord knows too many of our population is culturally indoctrinated by US social media platforms.
70% of the US population DID NOT vote for Trump—they were either disillusioned with democracy (abstained) or voted for the least-bad option (Kamala). And of the remaining 30%, many of them don't necessarily like Trump so much as they were duped enough into thinking he was less bad than the alternative.
They haven't been planning blanket tariffs on everything, at least not initially. If you've been following the news, officials specifically said they were trying to avoid tariffs on things that affect average Canadians as much as possible. The starting plan was to target red states and Tesla, last I heard. We've also got a deal with Japan for selling oil and likely Europe will want some too. Then there's turning the lights off via the Hydroelectric supply.
Because that's what it is going to take to remove American influence. Yes it will hurt Canadians. Yes we have to buckle down and do things that suck once and a while in life.
More specifically I think it's important for Canadians to remember this is a working class vs capitalist issue. Not an American working class vs Canadian working class issue