Pff as if they know what a ram is..
27 0 ReplyDedotate mor wam
7 0 ReplyHey, that kid's probably grown up now. Fuck, makes me feel old.
6 0 Reply
S3 bucket as swap space.
19 0 ReplyAWS glacier is cheaper.
7 0 Reply
Fun fact: you can mount a Google drive on your computer and put a swap file in it
10 3 ReplyThe ram will be as fast as your internet, good luck with cloud ram.
5 0 ReplyBut why?
3 0 Reply
I think you can actually outsource RAM to Google drive or w/e if you want. Problem is you just shift the bottleneck from RAM to network speed
9 2 ReplyOr ya know you could use your hard drive like normal people do when they run out of ram.
5 0 ReplySwap to gdrive.
4 0 Reply
But seriously, don't drink if you're pregnant. It's not that hard:
6 0 ReplyMan.. how is this funny? 😐
5 1 Reply'tisn't the least bit funny.
2 1 ReplyI’ll explain it. The kid has fetal alcohol syndrome and will be severely disabled for life:
2 1 Reply
So alcohol makes kids smart!
3 0 ReplyI'm still trying to download that pizza.
2 0 ReplyI remember when virtual ram was a thing. I can't remember exactly how it worked but IIRC software designated part of your hard disk as temporary ram. Which is a convoluted way of saying it used to be possible
2 0 ReplyIt is still possible. Its called swap
17 0 Replyswap is way slower than physical RAM though
5 0 Reply
Used to be?
6 0 ReplyYup, it's swap on *nix and "page file" or whatever on Windows. Without it, the OS would have to kill apps or just crash when it runs out.
2 0 Reply
I love that song
2 0 Reply