As long as those that voted for Trump continue to lap up whatever he says it doesn't matter what's true. We're now just in 1984 doublespeak, where for the media, profit is more important than the truth, because really capitalism has driven us off the cliff straight into fascism
Authoritarian tactics is extremely vague. I wonder if they could name one of those tactics? Could they point out one dictator in history and criticise them? Explain why they're different? Doubtful.
It must be repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated and repeated until the message gets through their thick stubborn skulls. It's how MAGA indoctrinated them in the first place and the only way to deprogram them.
Sadly they are as likely to believe the dems as much as the dems will believe the reps. The only way the magats will come to believe is when each and every single one of them start to suffer, until then it is "someone else that is being hurt, not me!" Once it finally comes home they will see, but by then it may be too late.
I simply wonder what's happening and expressing my frustration.
No question - it's good he is mobilizing people. Organization is key, and to me it looks like it's currently lacking. I really hope Sanders can change this.
It has been damn obvious and yet way too many people voted Trump. And, come on, it was clear Elon would be there as well. From outside the US it's hard to understand why. It leaves me with two explanations, both of which I don't like: either people were misinformed and/or did not understand what is going on, or they did really want it.
I bet that what we see here is partly the work of the worlds largest propaganda machine. I'd like to believe that misinformation was the reason for them supporting Trump. So yes, properly informing people could help. But I'm worried that the Trumpian shit-show clogged some brains. What to believe in a world made of "fake news"?
First of all, don't get me wrong: I'm saying this as a massive fan of Sanders, and someone who thinks he is way more on-the-ball about the current situation than pretty much any other non-Republican nationally-significant politician (except maybe for AOC).
That said, even he is still partially in denial/massively understating the problem/playing catch-up. Trumpism doesn't just "not believe" in democracy, it is acting on that belief right now to destroy it. When the attack is already in progress, you don't say "Trump doesn't believe in democracy," you say "Trump is destroying democracy."
Thank you. I can’t believe libels are falling for this nonsense. Even in his sternly worded speeches he’s not describing the threat accurately. He’s underestimating it.
Typical liberal lack of imagination. How is it that republicans are easily able to consolidate power yet democrats are weak as hell and consistently fail to do anything at all? Vote for us! We’re powerless to do anything! But if only you voted harder we would! Ignore the fact that we confirmed trumps nominees!
He should be calling for a general strike and help organize it. Law and order is a joke, the country is collapsing at record speed. Our only non violent hope yet is an actual, French style, general strike. Protests don’t work and just play into trumps desire to declare martial law. But a general strike where people simply stay home and not work would grind this country to a halt and not trigger trumps bloodthirst to use violence against opponents.
And if that doesn’t work, violence it is. This country is fucking done and arguably it’s been done for a while now only everyday people are finally waking up to reality.
I think we’re in for it when the effects of burning through the federal government finally reach “normal” people.