WcDonalds is probably one of the most well known examples of changing a real name to one that is fictional, since McDonalds made it part of their bag for a few months.
I think you're touching on trademark infringement already with what you covered. I would also guess to remove any legal liability for slander/libel. There are legal protections for satire, but even that has limits. If you make a villain that kills people love a particular brand of burger that company could say you're suggesting only criminals like their product opening up the author for a lawsuit.
To use the real name would likely require licensing it. Not to mention that naming a game made by a company owned by one major media conglomerate, might be an issue when you're a show made by a company owned by a different competing major media conglomerate.
For live action TV its probably easier to just use retail units but for animation it allows them to use only the aspects they are interested in while not getting bogged down in the realities of the console/controller design or the actual gameplay scenarios.
Of course it also allows for the title to function as a joke too, and makes for a more timeless product than a current year pop culture reference.