The only suspect in a Cleveland, Ohio, murder case is likely to walk because the police relied on Clearview AI’s facial recognition to get a warrant on them — despite Clearview warning specifically…
Great! This isn’t really about ai, but police misrepresenting evidence to obtain a search warrant. If the warrant is invalid, you can’t count evidence obtained with it.
Ideally any officer intentionally misrepresenting the facts faces professional repercussions, but that’s another issue
God damn. I'm a mod here. A subscriber to [email protected] and a resident of Cleveland.
Pretty sure I'm in the Matrix right now. You ever see those tv shows where the main characters are watching people they know on tv or mentioned on the news, within the tv show, and you think "Yeah, that's all too main character syndrome to be realistic."
That's how I feel right now. Like somehow the universe posted this specific story here just for me.
I was going to post in "No Stupid Questions" "Are the Cleveland Browns in the superbowl this year?" And then in the body I'd put "Cleveland resident here. Wrong answers only."
But I don't think people would find it as funny as I do. Same reason I don't make the post I thought up last night about replacing everyones gender, and genitals with Samuel L Jackson. I find it funny, but other people might think I'm actually attacking their gender identity.
Police don't care to solve the crime, they only care to pin that shit on somebody. This is inherently built into the system, and yet people still think pigs are here to do anything beyond being the boot on your neck and an occupation force of the elites.