One thing that I have really enjoyed about this show is how much Kenzaburo's previous life experience has mattered. So many isekai has somebody basically just experience a fantasy story and their past life experiences don't really matter that much (maybe they make mayonnaise or something like that). This show keeps relating Grace's actions to Kenzaburo's life experiences, so much so that he is as much a lead as Grace is.
The mom and daughter were great this episode. I hope we get their segments more consistently going forward now that the coma angle is introduced. The setup reminds me of Endo and Kobayashi Live!. If you have enjoyed this show, then that one might be worth checking out as well. I really liked that one, as much as I have been enjoying this one.
how much Kenzaburo's previous life experience has mattered.
I agree. He's not some empty husk of a character either meant for self-insertion
maybe they make mayonnaise or something like that
This trope drives me insane in generic isekai. The only thing they bring from their world is food. Always food. Those types of isekai are so unoriginal they even copy these inconsequential things.
There's also a scurvy epidemic, which the healers can do nothing about but MC solves woth a proper diet. I've read at least three novels with this plot.
I like the line from Tanya the evil, something like ""I come from a world that is scientifically, technologically, economically, and socially superior!"
Nobody will forget Tanya isn't from isekai Germany.
She was going so fast that I couldn't identify all the works that she mentioned past the weaksauce trademark protection . . . 😅 Not surprising, I guess, given that some of them were pretty obscure. (Aura Battler Dunbine? Seriously?)
I think this is one of the rare instance where we see fire being super effective against water
I like the mother and daughter as much as the father
I'm so glad to see Narnia being recognised as an isekai
I'm even more glad to see how the mother and daughter understood that the father got isekai-ed immediately. I wish more media - games, tv shows, movies, books - have characters who actually are aware of tropes. The one that annoys me most are zombie movies. Somehow, the stories are always set in universes where zombies are unheard of.