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ReluctantZen ReluctantZen
Posts 14
Comments 920
Any credit card processor alternatives for consumers that are based in Europe?
  • I mean, the Netherlands has had iDeal for a long while, which works great. But it being limited to Dutch banks obviously means its use isn't widespread beyond the Netherlands.

  • Two masterpieces, well deserved
  • It's really good

  • Any credit card processor alternatives for consumers that are based in Europe?
  • God I wish, but it seems like our banks don't really care to develop one either

  • Manga Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2025, Week 06]
  • I got the 1st volume of RuriDragon and the only volume of Telework Yotabanashi last week. Very happy to have those in my collection.

  • Anime General Discussion Thread, Favorite Winter Season OP/ED Edition [2025, Week 06]
  • Some thoughts about some of the OPs and EDs of the anime I'm watching.

    • Apothecary Diaries OP has a banger song with cool visuals. Seemingly full of clues/hints too.
    • Ameku MD's OP doesn't really fit imo. Maybe it's because when I think of Aimer, I think of Fate.
    • Bureaucrat Villainess' OP and ED are both really fun, particularly the ED.
    • Guild Receptionist's OP is visually gorgeous, but musically it's nothing special.

    Also, the Attack On Titan Final Chapters is actually going to be in my local cinema. Very happy about that. Was think that it was about time for a rewatch anyway

  • How does the french-owned Qobuz perform against Apple Music?
  • Yeah, but you can download those as MP3s as well should you want that.

  • I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I’ll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time • Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Tobatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu - Episode 4 discussion
  • And Jade, who could've been bogged down in cliche, is turning out to be a surprisingly interesting and amusing character

    I like that he is a tank rather than the usual single handed sword user you usually see with his type of character.

  • I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I’ll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time • Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Tobatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu - Episode 4 discussion
  • Alina went super saiyan.

    I don't really get why she still thought she'd get fired if she was discovered. The guildmaster already knows and it's not like it's some kind of top secret. She's the one that doesn't want others finding out.

    I can't stand Lululee's voice and it dawned on me that she's voiced by the same VA as Paimon from Genshin, another useless but incredibly grating character. Lululee isn't as bad though, but yeah, this voice is grating.

  • I May Be a Guild Receptionist, but I’ll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time • Guild no Uketsukejou desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya nanode Boss wo Solo Tobatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu - Episode 3 discussion
  • Why did they go along with Rufus? In what way is "I'll tell everyone the Executioner is in Silver Wolf and they have a Dia skill" blackmail? Because a monster also used it? That doesn't make much sense imo.

  • How does the french-owned Qobuz perform against Apple Music?
  • I believe WAVs, MP3s and a couple others too

  • How does the french-owned Qobuz perform against Apple Music?
  • Yes, you can download them DRM free, so as long as you download them when you buy them there is no real issue

  • How does the french-owned Qobuz perform against Apple Music?
  • I'm not sure about the pay split, but I've been buying from Qobuz for a while now and generally like the service. Do note that you need to download your purchases ASAP. Through no fault of Qobuz, some of my older purchases are no longer available for download due to publishers pulling it.

  • Trump blames DC air crash on workers with "severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, or other mental or physical conditions"
  • it could've been

    Holy shit. Yeah, and it could also have been you. We don't know right? Just use common sense right?

  • Wetsvoorstel 'Bestuurlijk verbod ondermijnende organisaties' kan mogelijk Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion ed verboden maken
  • Het lijkt me zeer ongewild dat een minister dit soort verboden kan doen en dat pas daarna er door de rechterlijke macht naar te kijken..

    Ik zou het overigens niet bij GL/PvdA houden qua mail. Andere partijen mogen hier ook best over gemaild worden.

  • From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated! • Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san - Episode 4 discussion
  • What a wholesome family. Also, this episode has one of the few instances in OSTs of yodeling that I actually really like.

  • From Bureaucrat to Villainess: Dad's Been Reincarnated! • Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Oji-san - Episode 4 discussion
  • how much Kenzaburo's previous life experience has mattered.

    I agree. He's not some empty husk of a character either meant for self-insertion

    maybe they make mayonnaise or something like that

    This trope drives me insane in generic isekai. The only thing they bring from their world is food. Always food. Those types of isekai are so unoriginal they even copy these inconsequential things.

  • Chieri's Love is 8 Meters Tall - Final Chapter


    Obokoi Majo wa Majiwaritai! Final Chapter Obokoi Majo wa Majiwaritai! - Vol. 7 Ch. 42 - MangaDex

    Read Obokoi Majo wa Majiwaritai! Vol. 7 Ch. 42 on MangaDex!

    Obokoi Majo wa Majiwaritai! - Vol. 7 Ch. 42 - MangaDex
    BudgetAudiophile ReluctantZen

    Good, but budget friendly M40x pad replacements

    I have a pair of Audio Technica M40x and while I like the sound decently enough, I find the pads very uncomfortable. They hurt after a while and my ears get quite warm. So I'd like to replace the pads. I've seen Brainwavz and Dekoni recommended before, but the former is not available in the EU (for a reasonable price that I can find anyway) and the latter is quite pricy. Are there any other recommendations?


    Girl meets Rock! Ch 46


    Eternity spoiler tags different from other apps (including web UI)

    The spoiler tags used in Eternity >!!< don't seem to be compliant with how the majority of Lemmy apps handle spoilers. The web UI for example uses the following:




    It seems most apps follow this (Voyager for example).

    This causes spoiler tags made with Eternity to be ineffective, since they don't show up as spoilers and vice versa. This can become quite annoying in communities discussing movies, tv, anime, books, manga etc


    Shoko Server not recognizing any anime

    I've been ripping my anime bluray collection and wanted to have an easier way to sort it for Jellyfin, so I wanted to try Shoko Server, but it's not recognizing any of my anime. It sees the actual files, but categorizes them all as Unrecognized, making the entire idea of using it for automated sorting pointless. I'm struggling to find guides on this and the documentation is quite lacking. I don't know what I'm wrong. Are there certain rules I need to be following in order for Shoko to hash correctly? Does it hash the name? The actual ripped files?

    My folder structure is setup in a way that Jellyfin properly recognizes it (without using the Shoko plugin yet), so like so for example:


    • Fate/stay night: ubw (2014) ---- Season 01 ---------- <episode> S01E01
    • Fate/stay night: ubw (2015) ---- Season 01 ---------- you get the idea ```

    Since multi season anime often are separate entries, each season is usually its own main folder (which is one of the reasons I wanted to try Shoko to see if I could combine them into one so that I don´t have multiple entries for what is really only 1 anime series).

    Anyone here that uses Shoko and have some tips?

    EDIT: thanks for the information and tips everyone. Seems like Shoko might not be what I'm actually looking for.


    Girl Meets Rock translation suspended

    This was displayed yesterday in the app when the new chapter was supposed to be uploaded. They even removed it from the library. I can't see it in my MangaPlus library and the Mihon extension says that it's removed. The Japanese version does still exist it seems and properly got the new chapter.

    I read some speculation that this might be due to copyright reasons of the translated song lyrics. If that's the case, I don't understand why the Japanese version would still be up, since I assume they use the real lyrics.

    Anyway, this is quite sad. I hope it gets resolved soon.


    Yesilgöz erkent dat nareisuitspraken niet klopten, maar deed het niet bewust Yesilgöz erkent dat nareisuitspraken niet klopten, maar deed het 'niet bewust'

    De VVD-minister moet zich verantwoorden over 'nareis op nareis'-uitspraken, die niet blijken te kloppen. Oppositiepartijen oordelen hard over de woorden van Yesilgöz.

    Yesilgöz erkent dat nareisuitspraken niet klopten, maar deed het 'niet bewust'

    Wild Strawberry Ch. 22


    At The End of 4 Minutes - Oneshot At the End of 4 Minutes - MangaDex

    Anita, a lonely assassin, found herself staring the Grim Reaper in the face. But if she can fend him off for four minutes, she will be spared death, this time.

    At the End of 4 Minutes - MangaDex

    My Girlfriend Gives Me Goosebumps - Ch21


    Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! - ch76 Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! - Vol. 5 Ch. 76 - You're My Favorite! - MangaDex

    Read Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! Vol. 5 Ch. 76 "You're My Favorite!" on MangaDex!

    Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess! - Vol. 5 Ch. 76 - You're My Favorite! - MangaDex

    My Girlfriend Gives Me Goosebumps - ch19


    When I Returned to My Hometown, My Childhood Friend was Broken - Ch.50 END When I Returned to My Hometown, My Childhood Friend was Broken - Ch. 50 - MangaDex

    Read When I Returned to My Hometown, My Childhood Friend was Broken Ch. 50 on MangaDex!

    When I Returned to My Hometown, My Childhood Friend was Broken - Ch. 50 - MangaDex