Object Orientated Programming Structured query language (OOPS-ql).
For non-techies, SQL (Structured Query Language) is used to interact with databases and is often pronounced as sequel.
Was the first thing that came to mind looking at this.
21 2 Replyoften incorrectly pronounced as sequel.
7 2 Replysqueal
4 0 ReplyCare to elaborate?
2 0 Reply
Fuck it
OOPs your SQL
Select.new(table: "Users").columns(*)
4 0 Replyimma be real i had no idea SQL and OOP were connected in any way. so this is nice to learn
2 0 ReplyORM's are the bridge between the two.
3 0 Reply
This would be stupid if it came from a real dev, but I think it’s very funny that it didn’t
10 0 Replyu can blame me randomly coming across OOP acronym on wiki. and I have to make it OOPS
6 0 ReplyDude, you're practically a senior!
So there's this inventions called stackoverflow.com - it's where all the great ideas are...
3 0 Reply
5 0 ReplyWow - Holy non-consensual blast from the past batman!
3 0 Reply
It isn't sequel it's S-Q-L and it isn't "Gooey" it's G-U-I
6 2 ReplyWhen you're a programmer, but also a dad...
2 0 Reply