What kind of regarded shitfuckery is washing chicken? What u washing off the bacteria that will die by the time the chicken reaches a safe temperature? This just seems like a good way to spread salmonella all over ur sink with no advantage.
Yeah, I remember seeing some clip of some British science woman and whatever, washing chicken is not only fucking dumv, but a great way to spread bacteria
Can confirm, I clicked on NBTV and Eric Talks Money because the girl be cute, and I stayed because the info is good. I'm happily married, and can confirm it absolutely works. I wouldn't be surprised if the same works on women and people of other genders and sexual orientations with the respective gender.
Washing the sink is just part of the washing dishes or making food in general. Sink will get dirt anyway. Do you just leave it dirty and grimy all the time?
Ok different question. Why wash your chicken when there is no need? I worked in catering for years and we never washed chicken. Why do you feel the need to?
No I don't disinfect it just like I don't disinfect my dishes. I wash my dishes (those that cannot be machine washed) and after I am finished I wash the sink.