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AskLemmy Aussies of Lemmy...what do you do for money honey?
  • Im a porpoise trainer looking for a location to build a new porpoisarium.

    It gives me great sense of porpoise.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Yeah i get what u mean about the extremists. But honestly the tankie extremists are just as bad. Their denial of genocide by the ccp is particularly bad. Ive been told that people are willingly choosing to go to ccp reeducation centers.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • How its the ultimate embodiment of free speach the marketplace of ideals and competition. Id classify these as liberal ideas but ive notices a lot of the Americanised left wing doeant seem to agree with these anymore.

  • What would you like to change about Lemmy culture?
  • Id like more right wingers. Not in a i like them kind of a way in a i want lemmy more representative of the population kind of way. I also think we really need to be pushing harder on the free speach free marketplace of ideas we have created.

  • Chinese Communist Party still trampling on human rights, suppressing support for Taiwan independence, Ukraine, and religious freedom, new data finds
  • I wnjoy arguing with them its a game of how quickly u can get banned by posting links to reputable news sources disproving them. But yeah i dobt block em and the numbers are decreasing.

  • What we know (and don’t know) about Kamala Harris and tech policy
  • If by deal with ai that results in whoever made it being responsible for it then that kills foss ai. The ai dangerous rhetoric is mostly bs to use the law to stop free software.

  • Russia Is Returning Ukrainian POW’s Bodies Without Internal Organs - United24
  • When u treat people as machines and ur corrupt system steals parts of machines for profit this is to be expected.

    This could very well be bullshit propaganda tho, but given Russia's track record it probably isnt.

  • Am upgrading from thinkpad to framework 16 with amd. Looking for distro reccommendations.
  • I thought i was fine without stability but using a rock solid stable debian install as my server reminded me how much easyer my life could be. Its was fun tho.

  • Am upgrading from thinkpad to framework 16 with amd. Looking for distro reccommendations.
  • I looked at supported and they got ubuntu supported so i figured debian (and its clones) shouldnt be too bad to set up.

    I like sysvinit

    As long as i dont need to use a bootable usb to give it back its kernal after failing to update and doesnt randomly crash then id consider that stable enough.

    I recon ill go with devuan unstable.

    Ive been daily driving arch for about 2 years now (i fuckibg sick of fixing shit i want stability again) had mint prior to that and use debian on my servers.

  • Am upgrading from thinkpad to framework 16 with amd. Looking for distro reccommendations.

    I did the whole distro chooser quiz but didnt help much.

    Heres the things id like to hit

    • avoid systemd
    • stable
    • Wayland support
    • Minimal packages
    • no immutable (seems like to much of a pain)
    • full disk encryption but thats pretty standard nowdays.

    Was going to go with devuan but the debian flavours dont have a stable with wayland yet. I was considering going with a testing or unstable build but would like to avoid headaches on a daily driver. Is testing/unstable got wayland and are they reliable enough? If so what do I go with.

    Also hows the hardware comparability with framework i assume it wont be too bad to get set up.

    Witness protection fbi [very serious]
  • If this isnt just a troll. Go check urself into a mental hospital cos thia looks a lot like ur juat have a mental breakdown. Go get some help and worse case scenario they will confirm its real and get u the help u need.

  • My domain on duckdns isnt being resolved with rethink dns?

    I self host a bunch of things on my home network and since i dont have a static ip i use duckdns so i can access it via the greater web and set up ssl etc. Works great for my laptop and other people but on my phone where im using rethink dns to filter web access the duckdns domain doeant resolve (its not getting blocked it just not resolving at all). It resolves on cloudflare and ive set that as the fallback for rethink but still doesnt resolve any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.


    Aussies assemble Canvas is starting in 2 (and 2 thirds) days! - Aussie Zone

    The links for the aussie flag templates and chat: Template [


    Good foss pastbin

    Looking for a good foss pastbin service i can easily host with docker. Requirements: Can put a password/account login on past uploading Foss Will auto delete pasts after some time Need a rawtext capability to i can wget things Preferably language heighlighting.

    Legal Advice πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ίπ•„π•¦π•Ÿπ•₯π•–π••π•”π•£π• π•”π••π•šπ•π•–

    We currently have a complete digital map of 1mm^3 of human brain if someone where to simulate this would it count as human and thus have rights?

    If not what percentage of a human brain would need to be simulated to grant such human rights. If said brain was made made artificially and thus was never born is it still human? If we can simulate an AI of simmillar size to a human brain I assume thats not considered a human but if u put that into a body that can take a breath (I believe this is the legal definition of a human at least in australia jurisdiction). What's an actual lawers opinion on this?

    PS this is purly hypothetical I was talking to a lawyer friend and found legally its an interesting hypothetical. Whats ur take on this from ur legal POV.




    Does the modlog federate?

    Cos if so why can I see a whole bunch of mod actions on the mod-log but not here? If it doesn't how/why would any other instance respect a moderation action by another instance let alone know about it?


    National Anti-Corruption Commission rules that some corruption is cool actually; The Chaser National Anti-Corruption Commission rules that some corruption is cool actually – The Chaser

    "Do you know how much evidence we were sent about Robo-debt? Investigating that would be way too much work."

    National Anti-Corruption Commission rules that some corruption is cool actually – The Chaser

    Advanced AI agent GitHub - muntedcrocodile/Sydney

    Contribute to muntedcrocodile/Sydney development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - muntedcrocodile/Sydney

    I've written an AI agent with a full frontent similar to the BingAI with the capability to look up information and access files within the current "context" and a python interpreter for mathematics etc.

    If anyone wants to add to the project please do I've been working on this for a couple days so its complete spaggetti code but I'm pretty happy with it as of present.

    0 What service should i use for AI backend that isn't openai -

    I have written myself a web fronetend using langchain that uses a json based agent to do advanced tool use (websearch, calculations, document summarisation/information extraction, etc) and chain of thought reasoning. At the moment im using openai gpt-4-turbo for the main agent and gpt-3.5-turbo for ...


    What service should i use for AI backend that isn't openai

    I have written myself a web fronetend using langchain that uses a json based agent to do advanced tool use (websearch, calculations, document summarisation/information extraction, etc) and chain of thought reasoning. At the moment im using openai gpt-4-turbo for the main agent and gpt-3.5-turbo for some of the summation tools but openai models are limited in capabilities (wont talk about certain topic to the point of disregarding required output json formatting). What service can use that will run a preferably foss model as powerfull as gpt-4 that is pay per use with a langchain integration?

    here's the project

    EDIT: Added link to project


    Can you own an idea? Can you own an idea? -

    Conceptually why have we made distinctions between property and intellectual ownership? and within that why does some intellectual property expire after a time and why do different things expire after different times? Are there some intellectual properties we cannot own like though itself? I guess e...


    Can you own an idea?

    Conceptually why have we made distinctions between property and intellectual ownership? and within that why does some intellectual property expire after a time and why do different things expire after different times? Are there some intellectual properties we cannot own like though itself? I guess essentially what I'm asking is why have we classified these differently and how have we justified that?
