“Musk is not just Trump's co-president—he is the head dude in charge,” says Chris Hayes on Musk calling for Republicans to shut down the government—before Trump even weighed in. Punchbowl’s Melanie Zanona joins to discuss.
As I saw this I had a thought. It's long been touted that Trump doesn't really have any money he's just massively in debt and lives by borrowing against his assets. Not sure if this is true or not.
However if it is, what if Musk just bought up all that debt. So all the money Trump owes he owes to Musk.
Remember when Trumptards were supposed to hate the wealthy elite, but then they became part of one's cult? And then, instead of that one becoming their president, some other wealthy elite is gonna effectively be doing it.
Dumbest group of people to ever exist on the face of the Earth? Strong contenders for sure.