To Log Into WordPress, You Now Have To Agree Pineapple on Pizza Is Good
To Log Into WordPress, You Now Have To Agree Pineapple on Pizza Is Good
Longtime WordPress contributors ask: “Where are the adults in the room?”
This level of user facing pettiness is a great way to make sure no one ever wants to do business with you.
27 2 ReplyI mean, who doesn't like hawaiian pizza?
28 4 ReplyPeople with working taste buds
15 9 ReplyIt's not bad, but other types of pizza just are so much better so it's a waste.
2 0 Reply
Lol, CEO has been on a weird power trip for at least a year now, this ain't anything new
7 0 Reply"Some people rejected His message."
7 0 ReplyTrying to log in or create a new account without checking the box returns a “please try again” error.
… and of course, includes a useless shitty non-telling error message…
5 0 ReplyI love this sort of harmless pettiness. So much of the internet has become corporate and sterile afraid of offending anyone.
And before anyone assumes- I'm not talking about political correctness. This kind of thing should be reserved for controllable trivialities. Star Trek vs Star Wars fandom. Sports rivalries. Deep Dish vs Thin Crust (both are wrong though).
5 0 ReplyIt's true. It is delicious.
4 0 ReplyWhat's the problem?
5 3 ReplyDidn't read the article, did you?
7 1 ReplyI think I got the gist of it- Pineapple is delicious on pizza, yes? Yes?
(no but srs it is - and it makes a great breakfast too)
4 5 Reply
Drama drama
1 0 ReplyHaha people argue that it is childish... while disagreeing that Pinapple on Pizza is bad... is pretty childish too
4 4 Reply