It's easier to convince your neighbors that it was the Republicans doing, when they have full control.
Fox news propoganda is hard to rival. I usually enter any political conversation with a conservative voter with "what are you voting for"? Usually leads to a more engaging conversation
After the death of President Trump, new glorious President Vance follows Elon Musk's recommendation to move all non-patriots to educational camps
Is gonna be a real surprise to you?
Look, I get you gotta do what you gotta do for your mental health, but sticking your head in the sand isn't going to make anything go away. You're just gonna be surprised when the shit hits the fan.
Besides, this is the reality of American politics now. You can just not go to a discussion board for American politics.
Nah, brah, nah. See, I already did all this. In 2016-2024. I did my hitch.
Trump says something bizarre, offensive, and deeply outrageous - the world reacts, and the cycle repeats every 24 hours.
They literally ripped children out of the arms of their parents, put them in freezing cages, then lost them in the system and they haven't seen their parents since. That's about as evil as anyone needs to be to buy a shovel to the face and here these absolute fuckwits elected him again.
Nah. Peace. When the camps spin up, I'll be in the trenches with everyone else but until then - I'm setting healthy boundaries for myself. No trumps.
If I get weak or curious and just have to dig into the insanity it'll be there. That's a guarantee.
I have this fantasy that I and everyone in the US who shares my ideology could all move to the same state, take over the state legislature and just build our own semi autonomous micro nation. But then I realize that 12 people moving to the same state probably isn't going to make any difference.
Balkanization isn’t a master plan of any thinker, it’s a natural process as people move to cut themselves off from those they strongly disagree with.
I think there is a strong argument to be made that Balkanization is the ultimate, if unintended, result of the US founding fathers’ plan. From the very beginning it was a deal with the devil: a compromise between factions — who ought to be bitter enemies — under threat from a superior foe (the British Empire).
The collapse really began to build steam after the last great foe, the Soviet Union, was defeated.
That’s what’s getting us into this mess in the first place. The individuals from marginalized protected groups are socially pushed from their towns, eventually migrating to cities where their votes are less impactful.
I’m obviously not blaming the marginalized individuals, but the system designed to keep red land red.
Get ready for the rampant and accelerated ramifications of what this will entail. These four years are going to make 2004 blush which was when the last time all three branches went Republican.