It's like everyone has given up on making plans for the future, and is just trying to hoard as much short-to-medium-term wealth as they can while it collapses? (countries and individuals)
Very few people in power give a damn, and even those who do will be shot down by their superiors. Most environmental projects (that aren’t scams) won’t turn enough of a profit in a short enough time for the rich to care.
I’ve tried to remain positive, but it’s getting more difficult every day.
@silence7 Climate has a greater grip than ever, perhaps -- but in the form of all those mean young men finally noticing the hundreds of thousands if not millions of cars, and roads to drive them on, washing away, and towns burning, and crops shriveling, deciding to have a government that will secure the little that will be left -- for them, and not to be shared with outgroups. Liebensraum, in short.