The weather is a very intense topic and should only be discussed by close friends who are very comfortable with one another. When making small talk with strangers and acquaintances, it's better to discuss lighter topics like politics, philosophy, and the arts. Going straight to heavy topics weather, holidays, and baby photos is extremely rude.
To extend what others have said, your "social battery" depletes when you play a persona/mask. Sometimes with neurodivergent people (autistic/ADHD especially) this mask can be completely subconscious and unknown to the person.. it's pretty tricky to learn how to reverse it.
In either case, learning how to be your authentic self without shame is all the fix. Of course this may not be possible depending on environment but it's something to work towards.
I had the "social battery" issue until I learned how to be me. Sadly, most of the people I knew were acquainted with the masked me, so those friends grew more distant but I have since found people with the same kind of "weird" and social situations are no longer draining (at least with those people). It took a couple years but I can't recommend it enough.
I would challenge that's not your authentic self. That's learned behavior.
If you have been constantly othered or made to feel out of place you will grow resentment towards certain people, and eventually people as a whole.
When everyone is authentic and kind, community happens. Consider people who LARP.. they likely would get mocked alone if a single one went to the mall, but in a community with shared expectations and values they have a lot of fun!
Learning one's authentic self is a journey. Learning boundaries (which allow you to stick to that authentic self) is also a journey. But I do recommend.
I've noticed many introverts get exhausted socially because they're maintaining a "persona" in public. They're less drained with partners/close friends because they can just be themselves.
Public invitation to be my friend: I'd like to join somebody's online game server. I don't care too much what game it is. I can do MMOs. Talk more on your preferred platform?