Took my nephew, BIL, new family member camping. It was supposed to be a backpacking trip but got changed due to my old man pains. Our local metroparks offer secluded, private camping spots that are a short hike in and are quite nice. Not what I had in mind but still fun
My PC is our entertainment system. Got sick of all the clicking to arrange the TVs, taskbar, etc. Whipped up a PowerShell script that does it all!
Got out my old .22 rifle and did it up right. First gun I ever bought and over the years I did all sorts of ridiculous work on it, made it "tacticool". Also, let it rust a bit and generally abused it. Dawned on me that it was really a diamond in the rough, crazy reliable and fun. Took it apart, oiled and removed rust, put my nice pellet gun scope on it, all that. Can't wait to try it at camp tomorrow!
Do {
$Mode = Read-Host "`r`n(W)ork, (P)lay, (M)ovie?"
} until ( 'w', 'p', 'm' -contains $Mode)
if ($Mode -eq "w"){
# Work Mode
displayswitch.exe /extend
# Display taskbar and restart Explorer
$p='HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3';$v=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $p).Settings;$v[8]=2;&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Settings -Value $v;&Stop-Process -f -ProcessName explorer
if ($Mode -eq "p"){
# Play Mode
displayswitch.exe /external
# Display taskbar and restart Explorer
$p='HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3';$v=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $p).Settings;$v[8]=2;&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Settings -Value $v;&Stop-Process -f -ProcessName explorer
if ($Mode -eq "m"){
# Movie Mode
displayswitch.exe /internal
#Hide taskbar and restart Explorer
$p='HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StuckRects3';$v=(Get-ItemProperty -Path $p).Settings;$v[8]=3;&Set-ItemProperty -Path $p -Name Settings -Value $v;&Stop-Process -f -ProcessName explorer
Did some jogging earlier in the week and some mapping in openstreetmap.
I'm playing Shadows of Doubt where you play as a detective. I got a murder case where there was a signed reciept for the weapon left at the scene. What a doof lol