The CBC is a big part of the reason Canada isn't as messed up as the US.
Canada has for-profit media and plenty of media that leans left or right. But, CBC exists to anchor that media universe with a boring, institutionalist, honest view.
I don't even think PBS & NPR are as well funded (though I don't have sources to support that). That's why they're always doing telethons and thanking "viewers like you" for supporting their programming.
I won't be voting for the Liberal party again unless they give us the electoral reform they promised us and didn't deliver when they had a majority government.
I'm hopeful for a strong NDP opposition to a Conservative minority.
Lol, I have been voting since the 2000's and never voted CPC or any other Conservative party until 2019 (and still haven't provincially)... Provide me with an alternate that leaves both the Liberals and NDP without power and I'll gladly not vote CPC this time around.
Full disclosure: I've recently been considering voting PPC for the first time.
The conservatives truly want to destroy Canada, they look to the south, see the divided country down there, and say "yes, please, some of that up here"
Only fools would conclude that the problem of executive bonuses is caused by a public funding model. If you thought private companies don't hand out outlandish bonuses to executives, you haven't been paying attention.
We can go back to "reforms" Harper government done like muzzling scientists and defunding projects serving public interest. Of course those same people would want to defund the only outlet not in their pockets. I haven't seen a single point on Conservative agenda that is not going to harm average person short or long term. yet people still vote them in and Liberals behaving like entitled pricks do not make situation any better. Even NDP has shifted to the right. There's no federal party with representation in Parliament that has workers as a central point of their agenda. Everything is now about business which is very much not the same
Trudeau has run his course and has become too entrenched. People are screaming for change and we never vote NDP. Pollieve is poison. He's going to gut our desperately needed social programs for tax cuts that benefit corporations the most.
Some of these bonuses are part of the performance evaluation they already signed on and whether they met these objectives or not. You can't really go back on an agreement made before the cuts.
Most people would just say CBC should be run differently, but everyone familiar with the Conservatives know they really just itching to do a fire sale for all crown properties.
How come no one talks about how the CBC has clearly been under attack by armies of pretend people probably funded by foreign governments for like a decade
I suppose that anyone that cannot see the similarities between Squinty McProudBoy and trump will be voting for Squinty McProudBoy and his base of white supremacists, fascists, racists, misogynists and assholes.