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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 13
Comments 100
Can't replace hyprwayland-scanner with hyprwayland-scanner-git.
  • I tried installing it with yay. It's just that when I install it with yay, it gives me a conflict with the existing pacman package and asks me if I want to remove the pacman package. When I say yes, it gives me the above error, and when I say no, it doesn't let me install hyprland-git

  • Can't replace hyprwayland-scanner with hyprwayland-scanner-git.

    In order to update hyprland-git, I need to install hyprwayland-scanner-git. But when I try to install it, pacman says that it failed to commit a transaction.

    I followed the arch wiki, but unfortunately, the file in question is owned by hyprwayland-scanner, so I'm not sure how to proceed.

    If I don't care what pronouns are used, can I still be an ally?
  • Oh in that case, it's probably not that. (Edit: in any case, can't armchair diagnose someone lmao)

    (Edit 2: I also forgot that this disorder is developed as well. For example, take this person on reddit)

    I understand your reluctance to go to the mental health industry for help. Some people there tend to lack empathy, which is weird considering the domain lol.

    In any case, I find this guide to be useful on the asexuality and trauma.

  • NSFW
    If I don't care what pronouns are used, can I still be an ally?
  • It's a type of surgery to remove most primary sexual traits (genitals). You can choose what you would like to remove tho. If you like how you look, then it's probably not for you.

    Not to armchair diagnose you, but asexuality via alienation reminds me of schizoid personality disorder, as seen by the Wikipedia description.

    Edit: mixed a few things in the definistion

  • NSFW
    If I don't care what pronouns are used, can I still be an ally?
  • I also feel similar. I don't think I really exist, like I'm just some omniscient narrator. I don't have much attachment to my gender either because of that, and I'm asexual. I tried to participate more in activities to make that feeling go away, but it only got stronger as the years pass by.

    To cope with that, I try not to think about labels too much. Go for what you truly feel. I'm cis, but would like to get a nullification surgery one day. What the LGBT is about, is making you feel comfortable, making you feel like your true self, no matter how weird or unexplainable it is.

  • Gorgeous
  • I remember doing a presentation about machine learning and other interesting sciences when I was 13-14

    I hope my classmates don't think I'm an A.I. supremacist now or something lmao.

  • How do I learn to optimize my code better?

    I'm trying to make minesweeper using rust and bevy, but it feels that my code is bloated (a lot of for loops, segments that seem to be repeating themselves, etc.)

    When I look at other people's code, they are using functions that I don't really understand (map, zip, etc.) that seem to make their code faster and cleaner.

    I know that I should look up the functions that I don't understand, but I was wondering where you would learn stuff like that in the first place. I want to learn how to find functions that would be useful for optimizing my code.


    Issues with minesweeper algorithm

    I don't know if it's the best place to ask this, but I've been having issues with trying to make minesweeper with bevy.

    I tried making a function that would give the number of mines around the tile that was clicked if it wasn't a mine. Then, I wanted to make it so that when the number of mines around the clicked tiles is 0, it reveals the surrounding tiles. Finally, I tried making the function recursive by rerunning it on the empty surrounding tiles.

    The issue is that it seems that certain tiles with no mines surrounding them don't reveal the surrounding tiles.

    Here's the portion of the code I am talking about (I know it's pretty bad):

    ``` fn find_surrounding_mines( mut set: ParamSet<( EventReader<TileEntity>, EventWriter<TileEntity>, )>, mut surrounding_mines: EventWriter<SurroundingMines>, mut query_board: Query<&mut Board>, mut change_tile_image: EventWriter<ChangeTileImage>, mut query_mine: Query<(&Mine, &mut Tile)>) { let dy: [i8; 8] = [-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]; let dx: [i8; 8] = [-1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, 1];

    let board = query_board.single_mut(); let mut num_mine: u8 = 0; let mut y: u8 = 0; let mut copy_x: usize = 0; let mut tile_read:bool = false; let mut copy_num_mine:u8 = 0; for tile in set.p0().read(){ for (row_index, vector) in board.tiles.iter().enumerate(){ if let Some(x) = vector.iter().position(|&x|x == tile.0) { copy_x = x; y = row_index as u8; for i in 0..8{ if x as i8 + dx[i] >= 0 && x as i8 + dx[i] < board.width as i8 && y as i8 + dy[i] >= 0 && y as i8 +dy[i] < board.height as i8{ if let Ok((_mine,mut tile)) = query_mine.get_mut(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(x as i8+ dx[i]) as usize]){ num_mine += 1; tile.hidden = false; } } } break; } }

    surrounding_mines.send(SurroundingMines(num_mine)); change_tile_image.send(ChangeTileImage{tile: tile.0, asset: "Minesweeper_LAZARUS_21x21_".to_string() + &num_mine.to_string() + ".png"}); copy_num_mine = num_mine; num_mine = 0; tile_read = true; }

    if copy_num_mine == 0 && tile_read{ tile_read = false; for i in 0..8{ if copy_x as i8 + dx[i] >= 0 && copy_x as i8 + dx[i] < board.width as i8 && y as i8 + dy[i] >= 0 && y as i8 +dy[i] < board.height as i8{ if let Ok((_mine, mut tile)) = query_mine.get(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(copy_x as i8 + dx[i]) as usize]){ continue; }else{ println!("{:?}", (y as i8 + dy[i], copy_x as i8 + dx[i])); set.p1().send(TileEntity(board.tiles[(y as i8 + dy[i]) as usize][(copy_x as i8 + dx[i]) as usize])); } } } } } ```


    Je vais à Polytechnique Montréal/en génie informatique!

    J'ai tellement hâte de programmer dans un contexte académique! Mais j'ai aussi une question.

    Est-ce que les classes à l'Université ont le même taux de difficulté que ceux au cégep?

    Aussi, ce serait cool d'avoir des étudiants de polymtl ici ☺️


    What is Web 3.0?

    For context, I heard the term "Web 3.0" be used for the first time for everything being put on the blockchain. Then, it reminded me of a post on Mastodon saying that the fediverse is Web 3.0. After that I looked it up on the internet, and the definition included A.I. with crypto.

    So I'm wondering, what is actually Web 3.0? What does it mean to you? Or maybe is Web 3.0 just another attempt at making investors pay up?


    Mouse goes outside of right window border

    Basically when my mouse goes top right, it disappears, as if there was no border. My windows are sized correctly and I have the right screen resolution. My drawing tablet is also acting as if my screen was larger than it is.


    People who have a disability that prevents them from moving (temporarily or permanently, chronic or one-time), how do you fair with living alone?

    This question is rather specific, so I know it's not going to get many answers, but any answer is appreciated.

    I'm thinking about living alone, but I'm worried about getting certain issues. I've already talked about it to my doctor, but I also wanted to get answers from people who have went through it.


    Never take Prozac at night and then watch a horror video worst mistake of my life

    Had a nightmare so bad and so vivid it took me an hour to recover.

    I guess next time I'll listen to something happier or something idk.


    Random GPG key in my Laptop???

    I was creating a new key for pass when I noticed a random expired GPG key assigned to a certain "Roderick van Domburg" in my list of keys. I don't know any Rodericks, and this laptop has been whipped clean.

    Should I be concerned? How could this even happen???


    Just started fluoxetine! Any tips for reducing stomach aches or general tips?

    I started taking fluoxetine yesterday, and now I feel awful. I was wondering if anyone had tips in order to reduce stomach aches, or any tips in general in order to get through the beginning.

    I would also like to hide the fact that I'm taking some for personal reasons. Any tips for that aswell?

    Thanks in advance!
