My mother, for years, has frozen bread and then defrosted it two pieces at a time in the microwave.
If you've ever seen the Albert Brooks movie Mother, that's her. She even said it was her when she saw it. She's even started writing novels in her old age after wanting to be a writer when she was a kid.
Same, I eat bread really slowly so it usually takes me a few weeks to finish a loaf. Don't really mind defrosting it, takes maybe twenty seconds in the microwave.
To be fair I bake my own bread, and I usually freeze half the loaf because without preservatives it goes bad fast, but thawing at room temp is fine. But store bread no.
Never had problem thawing store bought bread before.
You have to put the bread in an airtight bag before freezing and let it completely thaw out in the bag before opening. This way the total moisture content within the bag will remain the same.
I freeze all my bread and put it in the toaster to thaw. I don't want to eat fresh bread for two days and then the rest of the week the rest of the stale loaf.