Guess the Episode [Medium]
Guess the Episode [Medium]
There was a garage full of counterfeit points but they mysteriously disappeared
"A pirate? Well, that's hardly the image we want for Long John Silver's..."
RIP Donald Sutherland.
12 0 ReplyA pirate with a silver tongue, at that!
4 0 Reply
I've been called a greasy thug too, and it never stops hurting.
11 0 ReplyI would, but I've been banned from guessing the episode. I, my children, and my children's children have been banned. For three months.
8 0 ReplySounds like someone's got a case of Jebaditis
7 0 ReplyJust when I was getting over my Chester A. Arthritis
3 0 Reply
You're banned! You, your children, and your children's children!
For three months
6 0 ReplyWhacking Day
6 1 ReplyNot quite but you can have a counterfeit point anyways if they turn up
4 0 Reply
"This is nothing but dead-white-male bashing from a PC thug. It's women like you who keep the rest of us from landing a husband!"
4 0 ReplyThat's okay, since the points don't matter
2 0 Reply