Just curious. The 76 Lemmy community is kinda entirely fucking dead and I'm banned from Reddit so I can't post there. Is there a better place to discuss and chat about 76? I'm feeling lost and somewhat lonely without being able to chat on the subreddit.
Been playing 76 since beta, recently reached level 600. So far enjoyed the game through good and bad. I'm on PS, if you are as well feel free to send friend request (fo name = lemmy username).
I feel you. Not banned from Reddit but I avoid it out of principle. The Market 76 discord can be a good community to chat with, they have people on all platforms. You can also find some good gear there too.
I switched from PS5 to PC because the game crashed multiple times a day on PS5 versus literally not a single time on PC. None of my friends went with me, so I understand where you're coming from.
If you want to add me feel free. I don't use a mic because I'm super insecure about my voice, but I'll team up and we can do events and raids with others in a public team or something. I always try to share helpful perks like Green Thumb, Rejuvenated, or if I'm feeling silly, Cola Nut.
The problem with Green Thumb being a shared perk, I think, is that usually if people are doing much harvesting, they're doing a "harvesting run", and then they're probably using Green Thumb themselves.
I remember spending a long time trying to figure out what perks:
Were useful-enough that people would get use out of them.
Didn't require a build to be specialized around them (since other players probably won't do that).
Weren't super-scenario-specific (else people might not be doing whatever they're useful for or might just change up their build for doing that).
Weren't so vital that someone would already have them.
I'm having a hard time, embarrassingly-enough, remembering what I was sharing last.
I think that I tended to grab some of the team-based perks (like, anyone on a team tended to benefit). Inspirational, say. Only one person needs to share it, but it's always gonna help someone on a team.
Pretty sure I remember doing Rejuvenated and Tenderizer.
IIRC, I tried Squad Maneuvers for a while, until I read some analysis that pointed out that if you have the Speed Demon mutation, you're nearly at the maximum movement rate cap.
Cola Nut
I've read some people who swear by using Cold Nut and then relying on Nuka-Cola variants. I remember trying it and just not being that satisfied by it, but now I can't remember why.
I think that it was either that gathering Nuka-Cola was a pain (some around the Nuka-Cola plant, and the Nuka-Cola Collectron can get them slowly, was one of the more-useful collectrons) or that one couldn't bind a D-pad button to it when playing with a gamepad the way one could stimpaks.
I played for about 250 hours back when it released. Started a new character about a month ago and I’m up to level 100 now. The game improved a lot while I was away.
I also binged it quite a bit when it first released. It was fun, but yeah, it's a million times better now and full of shit it should have had at launch. NPCs seriously improved the game by a large amount. I'm currently level 231.
I am not currently playing 76, but I have played it. I've said things about it. If you want to say something about it, go ahead! Not enough traffic on here to warrant splitting 76-specific traffic out.
I play (PC). Finished with the current season, just doing daily challenges now. I usually go nuts on the seasons/scoreboards and finish them as quick as possible without doing the xp grind, and just wander around having fun the rest of the time. I've been playing a bit more than a year, and I'm around level 650 or so. I'm usually close to max on caps, so all my plans and recipes sell for 1 cap no matter how rare they are, but lately I've been anti-social and put my camp away so I can just run around shooting things.
Yeah I hit 100 and just leveled for a few more of the rewards. I mainly wanted the pine cabin stuff, cremator stuff and the road signs. I mostly wanted the colored Cremator for the pink flames haha.