You exist in a triple point equilibrium. Constantly flipping between ideal temperature, being cooked alive, and becoming bulletproof. Depending on how quickly you alternate between states it could be feasible to stay alive despite being European.
You only feel this way because you're accustomed to Fahrenheit. I grew up with Celsius, and to me that feels like the perfect temperature scale. Fahrenheit feels weird and arbitrary to me.
I grew up with Fahrenheit, but switched my weather app to use Celsius for a while, and I've internalized it pretty well. It works fine. The "human experience" angle doesn't work anyway because that experience is very locale-dependent.
It kind of is, but a good way to think of it is the percentage of hot it is. 70F is like 20C, which is a nice temperature. 0F is about -17C, which is very not hot, one might even say zero percent hot. 110F is about 43C, which is very hot, one might even say 110% hot
Fahrenheit isn't "based on humans." I can subjectively claim that 0°F is as unreasonably cold as 100°F is unreasonably warm; 30-90 is the only acceptable range. That's arguably more arbitrary than 0-30.