For the people in the comments not in the know: Rossmann is a respected voice for this sort of thing, even if this post looks like an ad. He's not one of the bad ones (yet).
Yeah he rambles in his videos, sometimes so much I want him to just stick to the topic, and he could benefit from writing a script, but calling someone "insufferable" because of that seems pretty harsh, especially when they've been a massive proponent of right to repair (and even successfully had some laws changed), open source, and privacy.
This guy was offered an insane salary for doing engineering for US defense contracts and turned it down because he felt like calling out bad practices and improving repairability on our devices was a better thing to do. I can respect that. Someone putting their principles before simply making as much bank as possible.
Yeah, he has a link to his repair business in his video description and occasionally mentions he has a repair business or bullshit anti-repair stuff the repair shop has to deal with. I don't see what's so bad about that.
Not everyone has the time, ability, or tools to repair everything themselves at home. Repair shops are a good thing. Would you rather things just be discarded when the battery dies or the screen gets a crack?
This guy was offered an insane salary for doing engineering for US defense contracts and turned it down because he felt like calling out bad practices and improving repairability on our devices was a better thing to do.
I guess that makes him our lord and saviour then, and we can then only take him seriously because of that. Knowing this changes everything. He is so good to help us lowly people in our quest for repairable devices! And if you just keep watching his videos he can teach you how you also can be successful like him. And by the way you can buy his tools too!
He's right on the right to repair, but every time I tried to watch his videos (and I tried a few times, I work in tech and like the subject), I always felt like I was being... patronized.
I really liked his relaxing, calm MacBook repair and data recovery videos, where you could learn about soldering and electronics repair while watching. And I had no problem with a little bit of honest advertising for his own business.
While the right to repair is important, his videos about it are a lot of rambling and complaining about the same thing again and again. The titles are also often misleading or click baity. I can't watch them either. I hope they work for the right people, though.
But if you just watch his videos and buy his stuff he will teach you how to repair yours!11! /s
The few times I watched his videos, he sounded like a libertarian bro, saying that if you just put the effort, you too can become successful. You just have to pull yourself by the bootstraps or something. He's showing you everything you need to know to be as successful as him! And maybe it was sarcasm and I didn't catch it but at one point he muttered something about Trump fixing the potholes of New York. That's about when I stopped taking him seriously.
He's still an important voice for the right to repair movement but you're right. I also can't stand him. Unfortunately he has very dedicated/vocal eeehm, fans, so legitimate remarks on him are often met with downvotes.
For the last 3 years he's been saying it's no longer possible to be successful financially doing what he does. He did used to say that, though, because at one point it was true.