big depends on the "extremely exhausting", 450 ft isn't a problem for those used to hilly walks, but big deal for the very old, overweight and/or sick. I would change the "is" with "can be"
Yeah and in addition to the incline it looks sandy. Walking on a sand dune is way harder than a firm surface since the sand gives way as you step requiring more energy
Looking through my photos from a trip there a few years ago, and I noticed something.
I had these two teenagers in a video I’d recorded exactly 27 minutes earlier - right as they began their ascent up the dune. It took them a half hour to get to where they are in the photo - about 50 feet (~15m) from the top of the dune.
In my first trip to that dune, I also had gone down to the water, while my partner at the time, a yooper who had grown up visiting these areas, stayed at the top. It’s arduous. And it is exhausting.
It’s a very steep sand dune though, the tallest in the US in some places.
Every step up is 1/2 what you are used to, some places more like 1/3-1/4. There’s another sign about rescues costs, and there have been more than a few heart attacks happen there.
Two redeeming factors are that the “is” translates better. And that the overlap between {those “fit enough” people} and {people without any frame of reference as to how far 450 feet is} may be small. …though maybe not… heh