Honestly I have a lot of sympathy for sovcits in a way I never did before. It's people trying desperately to find some sort of clause in the shitty social contract that we live in, only to find out that it's all made up for the ruling class' benefit, regardless. If only they could focus on collectivism instead of their hyperindividiaulism.
I bet those are people voting libertarian or Republican as the "best" alternative.
These are complete shitheads, they are not trying to find social justice, they are trying to find loopholes, to get out of any responsibility.
A big problem with libertarianism is that republicans also flock to it when their own party doesn’t go “far enough” with its free market policy. The best route is to move to the left after becoming disillusioned with libertarians, but a lot of them unfortunately move towards anarcho capitalism— which is like, absolutely insane shit lol
That's actually not quite true. They're largely really shitty people who don't want to pay child support and mistreat their children and steal. A handful are stupidly desperate but they mostly just have a lack of morals.
Huh? Most of them strongly attempt to take from the collective without paying in, or supporting others. Exhibit a: using public roads without wanting to pay taxes.
These people are takers and would be thrown out of any legitimate connection or union
Society may be unfair (rich vs poor) but they actively try and make the system them vs us. They are quite willing to try and rip people off (knowingly or delusionaly) with no care for the people who dont buy into their bullshit.
Right? The only "secret trick" that can save people from getting into this situation is that there is power in working together and forming tenant unions. Not some funny "state national" nonsense.
The collectivism route sounds like a route to a cult. Either way you know its bad when people minds would literally snap and live in a dreamworld than actively do anything useful to help shift it.