If anyone is actually on the struggle bus don't get ramen. Get rice. Buy the biggest fucking bag of rice from the local Asian store you can find. You can make enough rice to last multiple days in one sitting and the bag will last you several months to a year depending on if you have family or not
If you can spring for it buy some high protein beans or lentils or some other legume and mix them, almost every society on the planet no matter the geography invented rice and beans because it's so damn easy to store for long periods of time and will get you the protein and calories you need to survive.
Is it fun? No. But it will get you fed and it's an excellent base to throw in other things to spice it up. Get a little extra money and can afford a bit of meat and veggies? Sauteed them up and you get a full blown meal with a side dish and a porkchop/fish filet/chicken breast with your rice.
Lentilles-saucisse is a French staple and I'd definitely consider it comfort food. Lentils, sausages, with some carrots and little bacon bits (lardons) cooked into the lentils, heaven.
Je ne mange pas de viande mais les lentilles, c'est mon enfance. Je fais revenir un oignon dans une poêle, j'ajoute une carotte en rondelle et y fais cuire des lentilles avec un bouquet garni et j'ajoute de la crème fraîche à la faim... euh non à la fin et ohlala... bon, bin je sais ce que je mange demain.
Make sure to put the rice in a freezer if you're going to store it for a long time. This is important to prevent bugs, especially in hot and damp weather. If that's not possible, sprinkle some dried chilis or peppers.