"The U.S. cannot treat Colombian migrants as criminals," Petro wrote.
Petro said even though there were 15,660 Americans without legal immigration status in Colombia, he would never carry out a raid to return handcuffed Americans to the United States.
"We are the opposite of the Nazis," he wrote, in a jab at Trump.
Mexico also refused a request last week to let a U.S. military aircraft land with migrants.
Persons, groups of people, governments, territories, borders, citizens, immigrants. I'm pretty sure Nazi Germany had every one of these and now that Trump is president, I'm supposed to believe that we have all of these coincidentally? Next stop: Auschwitz.
you realize that's what he's already trying to do right?
That's what ending birthright citizenship is all about. Millions of people who are currently considered to be American citizens will have that stripped from them and then they are free to be deported
Even before Trump, the US illegally deported lots of citizens by accident. Because practical legal protections against deportation were shit even back then.
So they don't even have to make it legal. Just impossible to practically fight illegal deportation.
Do you know that the Jewish population in Germany were citizens? And then Hitler took their citizenship away. Just like they used to have rights, until they didn't. Besides, just because something's legal, doesn't make it right. What's legal and what's not can change in the blink of an eye.
This person's outright sadistic blindness or trolling aside, anyone reading this comment with good faith and not immediately having an aneurysm should remember that the once and current president once said, and I quote:
I like taking guns away early. Take the guns first, go through due process second.
The link that was posted gave context. He wasn't trying to disarm the population, he was talking about confiscating a firearm from someone who's been flagged as about to harm themselves or others.
In your own damn link it says he was talking about those who are "red flagged", or is alerted to authorities as someone who might do something. You know, like when someone posts a manifesto online, he was saying they should be able to confiscate their gun and then have the court process.
He certainly wasn't saying he wants to disarm regular citizens.
well, you clearly demonstrated your reading comprehension on the Snopes article... perhaps you should exercise that same skill on my comment because nowhere did i mention any of that nonsense you replied with.
I think Trump has a long history of racism and it will either bake it into law that Europeans get preferred treatment or it will be selectively enforced.
Btw, why are you using two questions marks? Do you think doing it makes you look more expressive?
The shit he signed into law says NOTHING about birther tourism or any other kind of tourism. Just delete the fourteenth amendment. Cause fuck the constitution right. Is that what you support.