The window being all the way down was not a safety issue, but i have zero faith that a court would determine the cops to have used excessive force. I'll see you all at the next post where nothing changes!
I remember a video of a white woman closing the window into a policeman's fingers, driving off (over his foot?) getting forced off the road again, screaming insults at the police, hitting them with the car door, before they resort to, iirc, a taser or dragging her out (might be more than one such video)
So in my mind, that's kind of the 'gold standard' for behaviour which only leads to slow incremental steps in the use of force.
Really? The advice I've seen for years at a traffic stop is to only roll down your window enough to talk to the officer and hand over paperwork and to close it immediately after. Along with not voluntarily providing any extra information and only answering questions as asked.
That's for your safety, not theirs. You can argue the full tints, but the vehicle was surrounded by officers and many of them were aware this person was playing football that day.
In context this is one of stupidest escalations I've seen since ever and I can't believe none of these other cops stopped it from happening. Give this a little more time and the rest of the guys are gonna get lit up along with the dude who's on administrative leave.
Like in order to make this shit look ok, you have to full on compare the reaction to someone who was engaged in a crash or hit and run, has a warrant, or is a sovcit. They could run this dudes plates in 7 seconds and understand this dude wasnt a threat, they probably should have escorted him the rest of the way after they gave him his citation! This was a physical response to disrespect, ridiculousintimidation and you shouldn't be ok with it.
It sounds like you think we should always lick the pigs' boots because otherwise they'll beat the hell out of us, regardless of what the Bill of Rights says. Is that an accurate summary?
when everyone and their mother has a gun in the U.S., and you're hiding behind heavily tinted windows, then yes, it is a safety issue. It's not an unreasonable request to keep your window rolled down during a traffic stop.
Don't take the job if you ain't willing to take a bullet over a traffic stop. That's the job. You don't get to violate rights for your own safety. Your safety is secondary as a cop. If you can't handle that fact of the position then you would be a shit cop.
Pizza delivery drivers have a higher chance to get shot than a fucking cop and yet you don't hear pizza drivers capping people left and right for their own safety. So I don't wanna hear your bullshit.
Die for that traffic stop pig. You wanted the badge without the risk.
Because it isn't a lawful order. License and registration are all that's required for a traffic stop. If the officer had probable cause that a crime had been committed, then it would be a lawful order, but they didn't. Therefore, his rights were violated.
As we saw, it's actually a bigger safety issue if the cops can order you to lower your window. Fortunately, you and I don't get to decide what's "reasonable" in this context. It would go to the appeals courts, and who knows what would happen.
I think it's likely that the appeals courts would say that Pennsylvania v. Mimms already let cops order people out of the car, which solves the safety problem, so there's no need to give cops extra authority to order you around willy-nilly. The ordinary person has a clear interest in knowing what exactly cops can and can't order, and you're proposing increasing the ambiguity of it all, which (as we just saw) is dangerous.
You didn't explain, which suggests shadiness, but let's assume better... Let's assume you didn't understand what I meant.
Cops can let you stay in the car. They can make you get out, if they have solid grounds to do so. That's relatively simple, and it lets cops choose the best location for the interaction. So it's safe for the cops (but not the occupants). Whatever, that's the law, OK.
But they can't have it both ways. If they let you stay in the car, they've already decided you probably aren't going to grab a gun from under the seat. So there's no safety issue for them.
But there is for you. They might reach in the window, for example, violating your civil rights. It would be better for them to have to open the door. It's easy to see big actions on dash and body cameras, and it's harder to write them off as accidental. You could even keep your door locked. After all, who knows if the cops stopping you are upstanding citizens. Who will vouch for their character, my friend?
Lock the door, crack the window as necessary, get out when ordered, always film the pigs. This is 100% legal common sense. Or don't, and risk your own safety. It's your life.
If they let you stay in the car, they’ve already decided you probably aren’t going to grab a gun from under the seat. So there’s no safety issue for them.
Dude, you aren't making a lick of sense. Google "officer shot during traffic stop" and tell me again that keeping your window rolled down during a traffic stop is unreasonable.
crack the window as necessary, get out when ordered
two things he refused to do? What are you talking about, dude?
Did you watch the video? Your facts don't quite match what it showed. He gave the cops his papers, and then he closed the window, because he didn't need it open until they got back with his ticket. That's when they started power tripping. If they wanted him out of the car, all they had to do was wait 10 or 20 seconds. It really was that simple. But they wanted violence, so that's what they created.
What's actually dangerous to cops? The number one thing is bad driving by the cops themselves, which is the leading cause of death for officers on duty. During the pandemic, the pandemic itself was the other leading cause I think, because many officers didn't believe in it and they put themselves at risk.
Every year US cops shoot and kill over a thousand people. Many of those people are innocent. The risk to the average citizen is high, but the risk to the cop is much much lower. The last numbers I saw were in the hundreds, in the low hundreds, but it might even be lower than that. And now you're trying to carve out a special situation, where the cop is not shot when they first approached the car, but is only later shot after they already got the papers from the driver, and specifically because the driver closed their tinted window. I wonder if you can find even a single example of that happening in the last year. This is an issue that I tend to pay attention to, and I can't think of it happening in recent history.
And you might want to argue that we should err on the side of caution. First of all, that's not the law of the land. The Constitution doesn't allow you to do that. Second, if the situation is as rare as I think it is, almost or entirely non-existent, then what you're talking about is paranoia. In that case, you need a psychologist, not an open window. Third, the threat to the driver and passengers is real. If the cop makes a mistake, they may draw their gun and shoot people in the car. What if an acorn falls near them? They might shoot the driver. Sadly, this is a very real situation, unlike your hypothetical. In other words, the facts are not on your side here.