What's a good habit you developed you'd like to share?
I just recently cleared my place of
much bullcrap and have consequently been able to keep cleaning up after myself moment to moment so it doesnt build up and its basically alwaya clean 🤩
I take a break from caffeine for a week every two months. I do the same with alcohol every month. It helps me stay objective about the amount I'm consuming. It helped me cut way back from pandemic-levels of coffee especially. Hoo, boy, I was one jittery, confined ball of anxiety and despair.
Pro tip: don't schedule both during the same week.
I've read similar. A full, continuous month would probably be more effective than my week-long dry spells, but I have alcohol-related hobbies (brewing, distilling, other fermentations) that I don't want to shelve for that long. So more frequent week-long spells are for me.
Happy journey with your spouse, I hope it's a positive for you!
Honestly the first couple times I would make exceptions for birthdays and whatnot but it’s gotten easier. Also in your case it seems like tasting booze for hobby purposes is different than having a drink… anyway good luck to you too!
I am, in a non-self deluded (I hope) way, a "social drinker". I don't keep any alcohol at home. I only drink around friends, and I keep company that does more things than just go to bars. This makes alcohol actually seem like more of an upbeat treat than something habitually consumed.