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The overlap between people who would put these signs up and the people who shoot other people merely for appearing on their doorbell cameras is pretty wide.
I support but do not recommend this type of vandalism.
We need drones with paint rollers!
Or paint spray
A little tricky with all that rotor wash, but we should get Peter Strepol on it.
Just buy a sign and prepare it before you go so all you have to do is swap signs.
Or steal the sign, modify it, and put it back. That way no money goes to them. We're already committing vandalism, what's a little petty theft?
True, but since you're taking the old sign you can prep that one and swap it with another sign. Why not hit as many as you can?
Good call. Now steal one of their trucks to haul them and we're getting into real crime!
Next fill a bunch of trash cans with cheap gas, haul it around with you and sell it door to door as a distraction while your friend is switching the signs. Wild card, bitches!
After seeing two of my neighbors put up Trump signs in 2016, I said "no fucking way are we ever putting a political sign on our lawn." I'm not going to risk anything around these people. Who knows how insane they are? I don't even want a knock on my door and a lecture.
Yeahhh same.
FPV sharpie drone deployed!
FPV AK-47 drone deployed
it's probably less illegal than stealing signs.
Especially if you're using duct tape or something, it's hardly even vandalism at that point.
I don't much care about the legality. I'd be much more concerned about a Trump supporter sitting in front of a monitor staring at a hidden camera feed of the sign on his lawn, just itching for someone to vandalize it so he could come out guns blazing,.
reminder that conservative are more frequently blue collar, more frequently rural, and more frequently working labor of some kind, the likelihood that they have security cameras is low, and the likelihood that they work is even lower.
while they likely do have guns, and are more likely to use them, i doubt that it makes a significant difference if you plan properly.
doesn't take much, an old android phone and a cheap battery pack are all someone needs for a wireless security camera setup
and it also doesn't take much to completely bonk the setup, or better yet, just assume it isn't working. There's a good chance that 75% of the reason security cameras exist is actually for deterrence.
Bro just carry your own gun. Not just red hats are armed or allowed to be armed.
Used to! Don't wanna give up weed for a year to avoid perjuring myself on the 4473 tho :p