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Sometimes you need to throw your players off their feet
  • Congratulations, you're level two! You've unlocked Traumatic Brain Injury. It's a feat that gives you -10 to INT and CHA. Additionaly after every long rest you roll a D20. On a 1 you go into a blind rage attacking anything you see.

  • What opinions do you have that you consider (shallow && pedantic)?
  • We have frozen pizzas that look similar, they're called "American Style".

    Also, Naples pizza is different from Roman pizza and so on. Tiny country compared to anything North American, but very different cultures. North and South Italians barely consider each other the same kind of people.

  • What opinions do you have that you consider (shallow && pedantic)?
  • If you put your cheese on top of the other pizza toppings you should be institutionalised.

  • ich🚂🤡iel
  • "Mein Sohn, du musst schneller siegheilen, sonst verspätet sich unser Zug!"

  • ich🫅🏼🗨️🚫iel
  • Hab mich heute auf neun Stellen beworben.

    Ich bin arbeitslos.


  • Anon goes on a date
  • Well, that's what centrism is. Fascists trying to be societally accepted. She knows that.

  • ich_iel
  • Entweder darf ich meine Kopfhörer nutzen oder ich kaufe mir so ne riesige Bluetoothbox und dann ist niemand mehr froh.

    Das Problem ist aufs Handy schauen oder auf dem Radweg gehen, nicht Kopfhörer.

  • ich_iel
  • Als Fußgänger? Dann komme ich ja gar nicht mehr vor die Tür.

  • Tornado conspiracy
  • Unfortunately they often decide for their children as well.

  • Ich🐮🇩🇪🎶iel
  • Durchschnittseinkommen Verkäuferin 600 bis 800 Mark Durchschnittsmiete 50 Mark

  • I'm new


    Help me find logic in this thing I got myself into.

    Hey gang.

    I'm running a campaign where the players are looking for eight magical items, once owned by eight powerful mages representing the eight schools of magic.

    Right now – through the power of Plot™ – they're looking for those items for an influential but shadowy collector. They're supposed to deliver the first batch of three items together. When that happens they'll find out that they were inadvertently helping a criminal collector. A representative of a historical society will tell them that these artifacts belong in a museum.

    And here's my problem: I want them to have these magical items, which of course have cool powers. And I don't know how to do that.

    My plan right now is, that the museum isn't interested in the actual powers, they just want to display the items for their historical relevance. So they'll magically pull these items apart into two identical ones, where one retains the power and the other the history of the item (scratches/wear and tear).

    I am not completely satisfied with that idea, because it seems far-fetched and I'd like to hear your ideas, if you have any, on how to resolve this.

    Thank you and a thousand dm'ly kisses to you all.




    If it works, kill it.

    Rule of Google: if it works, kill it.

    I know, I know, using Google apps isn't the best, but this was a perfectly good Podcast app with all the features you might want.

    Apparently they're moving everything over to YouTube Music, where a lot of the features of Google Podcasts aren't implemented yet.

    I've moved over to an app from F-Droid.


    What's your hottest character idea that you didn't get to play (long enough)?

    Mine was a Wild Magic Sorcerer that vehemently believed he was a regular city guardsman and explained every bit of magic he produced away as pure happenstance.






    Help me find the seven things of power.

    I need help/input/inspiration with a campaign I am planning. Without going into too much detail, in the world I've built there used to be a historically important and very powerful council of 7 mages (3 elves, a human, a gnome, an orc and a dwarf). They've each left behind a magical artifact of some kind. My group (druid, rogue, cleric and swashbuckler) is eventually going to hunt down all these artifacts.

    I am struggling to find artifacts that would fit. They either feel too mundane or are way too powerful. I want these artifacts to be useful and powerful, for the time they get them. Of course, they're not going to get them all at once. So these things should be spaced out to be useful from about player level 3 to 12.

    We're playing Pathfinder 2e, but I can easily adapt DnD items as well. If you have homebrew, I'll take that as well. If you have general input for these items or that plotline, that's great as well.

    Thank you all in advance.


    AI will change the way we do everything. All jobs will be replaced.


    I am undecided on the guitar picks since I play the trombone.




    Weapons Grade Drag - MilSpec


    Why are there people like this?!


    Twitter trends sometimes

    I refuse to acknowledge the name change.




    cold sweat


    We need a guillotine emoji.

    Sign the petition on for a guillotine emoji.




    The mistake was developing higher brain functions.


