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velox_vulnus velox_vulnus

Want more GNU in Linux, so Guix, btw. पूंजीपति will be sent to corrective labour camp.

Posts 537
Comments 1K
don't use ladybird browser lol
  • Not an appropriate post for technology. You should be posting this in open source and libre-culture relevant community. Speaking strictly on the project, they have lost most of the support from to-be future contributors who happen to be queer. And certainly, Shopify and other organizations won't let this slide.

  • The German language velox_vulnus

    How do I pronounce "Ich"?

    The "Ich" sound is confusing - I am having problem reaching that sound. Is it "ick", as in icky, "ich" as in sandwich, or "ish", as in feverish?

    Maserati GranCabrio First Drive Review: Want an electric convertible? This is it - Autoblog
  • There are cheaper electric vehicles. Maserati is a luxury brand. Totally not a necessity.

  • Looking for FOSS Games
  • You might want to try Veloren and Battle for Vesnoth.

  • How Would You Spec a Framework 13 for an Educational Use Case?
  • The RAM and storage choices are poor. Unless you're planning to upgrade to 32GB in the nearest future, do not get a 1x16GB RAM configuration - the performance drop for single-channel is negligible for normal use. Honesty, you won't need that, given the use-case. Stick to 2x8GB. If you're just taking notes, do you even need 2x8GB? I highly doubt it, maybe 2x4GB could be enough?

    About the storage, get at least the 512GB, or the 1TB variant. I have a 128GB SSD, and it is just not enough - I have to delete files at the end of every week.

    Too bad they don't sell a 7440U CPU, if that's what you're looking for. In fact, no device out there has a 7440U, excluding gaming handheld with the rebranded X1 alias.

  • Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • Drink lots of water, I guess? An air cooler might also come in handy - they're way cheaper than an AC. And yes, don't hold your yellow pee, because the burn will be intolerable.

  • Part of Roof Collapses at India’s Busiest Airport After Heavy Rains
  • They can just escape. Class war, am I right folks?

  • is there an ISP which provides public IP?
  • Only mainstream networks may provide it.

  • Watch a culture die in 10 maps 1771-1871 (made by 'Breifne21')
  • Very similar to what's happening to my culture. It sucks, to be honest.

  • Romance 💕
  • skeleton ectoplasm

  • Author who recommended killing Palestinian journalists receives German ‘peace prize’
  • I'm curious as to what's the opinion of an average German about this? Because this is so fucked up - a right-winger fascist gets a peace prize? Now that's a new one.

  • Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • Oh sorry, you were talking about LASIK? I found it really strange, because when I read first, I thought that you were talking about picking between lenses and glasses, because the thought of LASIK never came to my mind, because I view it in a poor light.

    Personally, I'll commit to wear glasses, as LASIK fucks your eyes - it will always be dry and itchy, and also because you're essential lasering the few layers of cells in front of your eyes that bends light, and thereby shifts the focal length.

    If there's a new viral-based vector that forces regeneration of eyes through stem cells or insert-fancy-biology-term, I'm open to it. I'm a transhumanist in the sense that I hate cybernetic enhancement, but I see mutation as a superior form for human evolution. You know, fire-resistant dragon scale, kangaroo-like legs, shrimp-like eyes and cat-like reflexes.

  • Biden Administration Opposes Surgery for Transgender Minors
  • How is it related to wearing glasses? And on the contrary, shouldn't it be the other way - using glasses, which is easily removable vs contact lenses, which isn't as much?

  • My luck with finding used affordable-but-slightly-modern Thinkpad hasn't been the best....
  • I have two broken laptops with me right now - Dell Inspiron 5559 and Lenovo Ideapad S540-15IWL. Would it be economically sound to repair them both, as opposed to getting a new device?

  • Protestation
  • I have yet to find a single credible source pointing to a case where Che executed "an innocent". Those persons executed by Guevara or on his orders were condemned for the usual crimes punishable by death at times of war or in its aftermath: desertion, treason or crimes such as rape, torture or murder. I should add that my research spanned five years, and included anti-Castro Cubans among the Cuban-American exile community in Miami and elsewhere.

    —Jon Lee Anderson, author of Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life

    Original source

    Keep clowning harder.

  • Protestation
  • If only the United States of Imperialism's war-crime branch, the CIA didn't topple the democratically elected government and radicalize him? But sure, go on, continue your studies in Yappology.

  • Queen's Gambit
  • The only direction she looks nice in is 6 feet deep. Fuck this birch her Majesty.

  • Do you like America? Why or why not?
  • TL:DR; No, I hate the USA.

    The world isn't black and white. I agree with some of the reasons I like the USA in the comments over here - like subculture, universities, research institutes, etc, but I want to discuss about what I don't like.

    As a South Asian, I feel grateful that we have governance over our own land by our own people. I can't help but pity and empathize with the aboriginal folks and native Americans, whose right over their own sacred lands were snatched, their lakes polluted, and mountains defiled, their tradition destroyed, and them being treated like third-class citizens in their own land. Long ago, they were nomads, but today, based on what side of the border they ended up in, they're either natives or illegal immigrants.

    I hate the tone-deaf white defaultism, I hate it's genocidal campaign and foreign interference, and worst of all, I hate how it still enables exploitation and wage-theft.

    And what I hate even more is shoving down everyone's throat like a clockwork about how groups opposing them were bad. Obviously, for example, the Nazis were bad, no doubt about it, but addressing so in a way so as to ignore your own terrible past absolves the crimes of the collective West, which is quite convenient for the imperialist empire.

    Now, let me break it down - the amount of crimes under the Old Glory or the Union Jack exceeds far more than that under the Nazi flag. But someone decided that the Old Glory or the Union Jack aren't hate symbols, but singled out on the Nazi flag. Being a PoC in America must suck so much, imagine having to see that disgusting hate symbol that enslaved your ancestors, bombed houses and dropped chemical agents on farms.

  • Stop use docker
  • Oh yes, that I agree on. And I've been following WASM, although not with great enthusiasm. Guile has Hoots integration, and I believe there was a Scheme game jam recently with most projects using this.

  • Stop use docker
  • But that logic makes no sense, tbf, given how container was way back in BSD. I like how it is a balanced choice between an ephemeral environment and virtualization.

    If we are talking about how NodeJS is the biggest pain in the ass to maintain for distros, and how they've forcibly tied V8 into the repository, that I'd agree gladly.

    As a friendly trash-dev, I'd recommend never to open the deps folder, I'd bet that most of you folks will have a stroke.

  • My luck with finding used affordable-but-slightly-modern Thinkpad hasn't been the best....
  • Recently, there's been a bunch of sellers selling T480 at 600$. Like, what the fuck? Some are even offering their old, battered X220 for what, 700$? This is just daylight robbery.

  • ThinkPad velox_vulnus

    My luck with finding used affordable-but-slightly-modern Thinkpad hasn't been the best....

    I've been trying to find Thinkpad laptops with specifications equivalent to, or better than my old Ideapad with i5-8265U. So far, I've only been using Ebay. Unless explicitly mentioned, all prices are without shipping charges. This time, I've restricted myself to the following rules:

    • Assume +100$ for all product (international shipping)
    • Look for 8th, 9th and 10th gen Intel processors, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd gen AMD processors.
    • 8 (assuming SODIMM is free for another 8GB)/16/32GB of RAM
    • 256GB (if device is cheap, I can upgrade it myself)/512GB/1TB
    • Pick devices with 8th gen Intel processors under 200$
    • Pick devices with 9th gen Intel and 1st gen Ryzen processors under 250$
    • Pick devices with 10th gen Intel and 2nd/3rd gen Ryzen processors under 300$
    • Assume an extra 50-100$ for workstation dGPU
    • Do not buy anything higher than 450$ (with shipping price included)

    However, to my surprise, 8th gen devices are still being sold around 250-350$, 9th gen devices and almost every Ryzen-based devices are non-existent, and 10th gen devices are surprisingly the same or lower than 8th gen, but their prices get inflated after auction - perhaps by shill bidding bots.

    I also can't figure out this - why are there no listings from Europe or Middle East? Shipping from America is too expensive (although way cheaper that the local listings here).

    How can I get better for finding used/refurbished/renewed Thinkpad?


    Is the internet really that terrible?

    This is what a comment from the 2019 YCombinator user says. Is the infrastructure still that bad?

    3 Why a Farm Worker's Gruesome Death in Italy Is Not Just an Occupational Accident

    Satnam Singh, who was 31 years old and left India to seek a future in Italy, was abandoned too long without treatment; his blood pressure was too low to allow him to survive the traumas he suffered.

    Why a Farm Worker's Gruesome Death in Italy Is Not Just an Occupational Accident
    0 Videos Appear to Show 'Slipper-Like Object' Landing on PM Modi's Car in Varanasi

    This was Modi's first visit to his constituency since his victory from there in the Lok Sabha election.

    Videos Appear to Show 'Slipper-Like Object' Landing on PM Modi's Car in Varanasi

    Has anyone tried buying open-box/refurbished/used laptops from Ebay international (USA to India)?

    I've been looking to buy a Thinkpad from Ebay. Compared to the refurbished market in India, the prices are really low, even after the addition of shipping costs.

    For example, consider a Thinkpad X13 Gen 1 with i7-10510U/10610U (6c, 12t, I believe), 16GB onboard RAM and 512TB storage being sold for ₹12,000-₹18,000, plus ₹6,000 for shipping, versus paying ₹35,000-₹65,000 overall when buying from a refurbished laptop seller locally.

    Are there addition expenses to pay - like for example, import duty? What other stuff should I take into consideration?

    A community for the lovers of the scheme programming languages velox_vulnus

    How do I explain two years of doing nothing to a university for masters?

    Ever since I've graduated on September 2022, I've not had a job. Maybe a crappy internship, but I wasn't provided with a 'certificate', or letter that proves if I've worked for them. That was around October 2022, and I quit voluntarily at the end of January 2023. Since then, I've not worked anywhere as a software dev, be it internship or full-time, because the job market is so fucked up in India.

    Now, how do I explain this to avail scholarship? I have yet to read other scholarship docs from other countries in Europe, and I'm already shitting solidified blood-clots reading this from the DAAD Helmut-Schmidt announcement document:

    >a curriculum vitae in reverse chronological order including the date of issue (format: europass, please note: the europass template does not include a date, please add it yourself) with exact information about your studies and practical experience; gaps of three months or more must be explained

    (Update: And I just realized that I am an idiot for not reading that this is only for non-STEM folks. Well, it looks to me that DAAD for STEM is also almost the same, with more stringent requirements.)

    In my college, there was no research programs - I mean, you know the typical 'Indian colleges encouraging academic plagiarism', so I didn't learn or do shit. And obviously, I have no job experience. I did contribute to open-source from GitLab, a few Ruby gems, a new unknown front-end framework for JS, then Nixpkgs and now Guix, but that's it. Honestly, I wouldn't even call it contribution, because only a few patches were merged - most of it was just me interacting with those folks. After that, I've done nothing since September 2023, because my laptop broke and there were no spare parts. Maybe a little bit of playing around with Nix and Guix, writing package expressions and that's it.

    How do I explain this? CVs are supposed to be at least 2-3 pages, but this? I can't even write half a page with this.

    ThinkPad velox_vulnus

    What is a MDM? Can it be wiped off, or is it ingrained in the motherboard?

    One of the used Thinkpad I was looking at has a MDM. Is it going to be an issue? If so, can I bypass it? I'm going to be using Linux anyway, so would it cause any issue?


    [Metric] - Lost Kitten HD


    Nitish Kumar was the CM of Bihar for the 9th term, and this time, it will be his 10th term. He was also the longest serving CM. Biharis of Lemmy, what has this politician done for your people?

    I will not invalidate the mistreatment and hate towards Bihari people, and I think that it is a valid concern. But this isn't about that. The people of Bihar can, for all of eternity, curse and blame the rest of India for their poverty and downfall, but is it really the case?

    When the rest of India was against the faulty tax-distribution between states, because we object to our taxes going in the pockets of scummy politicians, but they keep getting to power, is that not a valid justification?

    The four-lane Sultanganj-Aguani Ghat bridge has collapsed twice in two year, and god-knows how many shitty infrastructure was built in Nitish Kumar's time? Or does no one keep track about such incidents, because the bridges are apparently not for them?

    Oh, and about education. Bihar is plagued with paper leaks for almost any exam that happens in that state. There's no good universities or industries in that pitiable state, and the youth are forced to migrate to other states, making it difficult for the natives to get job. But was that not their own fault? Why did they vote back Nitish Kumar again to power, knowing that their state is failing?


    Modi's Cabinet: Six With Rs 100 Cr+, 28 With Criminal Cases From Murder to Crimes Against Women Modi’s Cabinet: Six With Rs 100 Cr+, 28 With Criminal Cases From Murder to Crimes Against Women

    Bandi Kumar Sanjay, Minister of State for Home Affairs, has 42 cases against him with at least 30 serious charges while Shantanu Thakur, junior minister for ports, has 23 cases and 37 serious charges.

    Modi’s Cabinet: Six With Rs 100 Cr+, 28 With Criminal Cases From Murder to Crimes Against Women
    ThinkPad velox_vulnus

    Thinkpads so hard to find in the refurbished market?

    I've been trying to find P1/X1 Extreme (Gen 1/2/3) and X1 Carbon laptops (Gen 7/8) that come in the configuration of Intel 8th/9th/10th gen (newer is better) in i7, or the AMD Ryzen equivalent of it, 16/32GB of RAM, 512GB/1TB of storage space, FHD display and preferably 2xSODIMM, if possible. No dedicated GPU, because I'm not going to be playing games. Also, no operating system, because I'll be using Linux. So far, this effort hasn't been going well. What will improve the success rate for finding a refurbished/renewed device?

    The budget isn't finalized, but I've imagined it to be somewhere in the ₹30k-40k range. I'd prefer if it were in ₹20k-30k. Country is India, by the way, and I am open to getting them imported, as long as I can get it for cheap, and have it last for almost four years, and get parts readily available. I've tried looking in DesertCart and UBuy and they're expensive in both the sites. E-Bay does not have enough devices.


    Is it just me, or was the opening song for God of High Season 1 not that great?

    I remember listening to Fly To High by Younha, and around that time, I started reading the manhwa and I was in love with it. And when I learnt about the anime becoming a reality, I was so excited about this song being used, or maybe something as good by her. Contradiction by Tyler Carter sounds like a repetitive rip-off of Camellia's glitch-hop. Similarly, other manhwa series like Solo Leveling or Tower of God have opening themes I just can't vibe with.


    TIL that the people living near to the Ram Jhanmabhoomi had their houses destroyed and were forcibly evicted.

    In all seriousness, please don't blame me for being ignorant - the current mainstream media is filled with the vilest, most vitriolic bullshit, so I've stopped watching the TV, and then there's hardly a few legitimate news sites with proper Atom/RSS support that I can keep track of.


    The BJP lost UP so bad, hahaha

    I am laughing my ass out, what a fucking embarrassment! Yogi should probably leave politics and open a monastery, or perhaps sell snake oil. I'm guessing that the "Ram rajya" was so unlivable that people felt the need to go back to "Goonda rajya" lololol.
